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Where to go

Slovenia is, as you probably know, a tiny country in the middle of the Europe. It's smallnes and geographic position give it a special taste. It is a real pearl of diversity, combining geographical and historical phenomenas from a lot wider area. It is well known that in few hours one can meet theheart of Alps, Mediterranean, Pannonia and Dinaridian world. Nature in Slovenia is well preserved and breathtaking. It is a fact that the country is the third most afforested in Europe. Social influences are wide spread through it's turbulent history, connected with different political systems and nations. We can say that nowadays Slovenia is probably eceonomically the most developed transitional country in Europe. It is a member of European Union from the year 2004 and can ecquivalently present it's buisiness, cultural and sport achivements in the world scene.Slovenia has a modern tourist infrastructure and organization – on the links bellow, we are trying to offer you a large bite of it and to give you a sense of it's beauty, hidden treasures and mysteryous fullnes of atractions.

Velika Planina

Velika Planina

Velika Planina is a beautiful mountain in the Alps of Slovenia. It is open 365 days a year. It offers a wide range of possible activities, from tours, hiking, biking. Admire the unspoiled nature and magic pastoral village. For the hungr you can quickly find  the right shepherd snack.

Gostilna  Pr' Kopač

Gostilna Pr' Kopač

Gostilna na robu Ljubljane, na Brezovici, slovi po dolgoletni tradiciji domače gostilne, ki svoje goste dobesedno razvaja s preizkušenimi slovenskimi kulinaričnimi dobrotami. Njihovo znanje temelji na bogatih izkušjah. To je začutiti že ob vstopu v njene prostore, ki celo dišjo po domačem.

Pizzeria Parma

Pizzeria Parma

<p>Pizzeria Parma, with the longest tradition in Slovenia, located on Trg republike, offers 34 pizzas from the oven.</p>

Koper Capodistra

Koper Capodistra

Turistična organizacija Koper

 Mostnica Gorge

Mostnica Gorge

Beautiful 2 km long gorge above the village Stara Fužina, hollowed by the emerald waters of the stream Mostnica, offers its visitors  a number of rapids, pools, sculptured rocks and waterfalls.

 Sputnik Cafe

Sputnik Cafe

Sputnik cafe beckons you to whisper your wishes, note your comments, add charming praise and audacious criticism.

Adventure park Bled

Adventure park Bled

Family Adventure park on Straža Bled is a park of unique challenges. It is set up in the natural environment of trees. And this is what gives it a special allure. Healthily spend day in nature with lots of fun for everybody – children and adults, singles, couples, whole family, with friends or in groups. If you are looking for a fantastic fun day outdoor you should visit new Adventure park – Straža Bled.

Adventure Rafting Bled

Adventure Rafting Bled

Bled with its natural attributes, offers unlimited opportunities for an active holiday, from hiking, mountaineering, biking, rafting and much more.



AERODIUM Logatec is a unique entertainment to all who are looking for unbelievable emotions roused by a free flight.



V Sloveniji je ena prvih trgovin z alpinistično, plezalno in planinsko opremo

Apartments Kollmann

Apartments Kollmann

Luxury apartments Kollmann float above a picturesque center of Ljubljana, in the heart of the city and provide excellent base for exploring the city.

Apartments Mia Chanel

Apartments Mia Chanel

Only 20 meters from the sea, our rooms await, ready to pamper you.

Aqua Shop

Aqua Shop

In the store you will find Aqua products suitable for gifts and for leisure, on vacation in nature and in school.

Barbara Piran Beach Hotel & Spa

Barbara Piran Beach Hotel & Spa

Barbara Piran Beach Hotel & Spa is a modern hotel, perfectly caught between the Adriatic Sea, the only brakish lake in Slovenia and flysch cliff of the north side of Piran.

Bookstore Hiša sanjajočih knjig

Bookstore Hiša sanjajočih knjig

Shelter to thousands of years of silence here. Creature of the imagination. Shelter alone, that light up the night in a thousand dreams. Do you hear? I'm the bookstore:Hiša sanjajočih knjig.

Brdo Estate

Brdo Estate

Enjoy relaxed activities, offered by Brdo Estate.

Burya Superauto Club

Burya Superauto Club

We offer the use of the most prestigious luxury supercar vehicles. We can boast the highest professional and safety standards. We cultivate complete discretion and strictly professional relationship with our members.

Cafe Argos

Cafe Argos

Prijetna kavarna pod okriljem hotela Mantova. V sklopu kavarne nudimo brazplačno WIFI povezavo.

Cafe Teater

Cafe Teater

Party in Yugo style nostalgia or classic 'cocktail party', refreshing drink after a hard day seminar or party until the early hours in the cafe theater ....

Camp PARK LIJAK & TERMIKA Restaurant

Camp PARK LIJAK & TERMIKA Restaurant

Land of active moments - all year round.

City Museum of Ljubljana

City Museum of Ljubljana

City Museum of Ljubljana is the capital’s main historical museum. It is dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of the Ljubljana region from prehistoric times to the present day. The museum houses over 200,000 artefacts, including, at 5,200 years old, the oldest wooden wheel and axle in the world.

Delikatesa in Konoba Rival

Delikatesa in Konoba Rival

Konoba in delikatesa Rival je ribji hram s tradicijo. V kombinaciji z ribarnico vam dnevno nudimo pestro in raznoliko ponudbo svežih rib, rakov, mehkužcev in ostalih morskih sadežev iz Jadrana in ostalih morij. Ponudba se prilagaja dnevnemu ulovu ter letnim časom.



V podjetju DG 69 smo zagovorniki kakovostne prehrane. Svojim kupcem ponujamo tako konvencionalno kot tudi ekološko pridelano sadje in zelenjavo. Naši dobavitelji, slovenski in tuji, so skrbno izbrani, saj svojim strankam želimo ponuditi najboljše iz narave.

Discover Brežice

Discover Brežice

A junction of different worlds

Diskoteka Studenec

Diskoteka Studenec

Diskoteka Studenec na Vrzdencu, širše poznana kot Zelena dolina. Dnevni bar obratuje od leta 1993, diskoteka pa od konca leta 1995.

Doget spletna trgovina

Doget spletna trgovina

Spletna trgovina, kjer se najde vse za vaše domače živali.

Fast Food Ajda

Fast Food Ajda

Fast Food Ajda ponuja hitro rešitev za lačne želodčke. Ponujajo široko ponudbo hitre prehrane, od pleskavic, čevapčičev, burekov itd. Za ljubitelje kave pa ponujajo kavo "to go".


Fast food Shaolin

Fast food Shaolin

Okusna kitajska hrana, z možnostjo dostave.

Garni Hotel Azur

Garni Hotel Azur

Little Hotel with a soul

Small boutique hotels, where people feel almost like home, are more and more popular and desirable. They became a big hit worldwide hotel industry. And Ljubljana finally got just such a hotel - Hotel Garni Azur.

Go Opti

Go Opti

Low-cost transportation to the airport! For the lowest price book today! All departures are guaranteed.

Gostilna Bajc

Gostilna Bajc

Gostilna Bajc se nahaja v bližini Vrhnike, v mirnem kraju Sinja Gorica, na levi strani regionalne ceste Ljubljana - Koper. Oddaljena je le 15 km od centra Ljubljane.

Gostilna Bistra

Gostilna Bistra

Na obronkih Ljubljanskega barja, kjer se v prijetnem in mirnem okolju nahaja Gostilna Bistra, zadiši po sveže pečenem kruhu...

Gostilna Godec

Gostilna Godec

Vljudno vabljeni v gostilno, ki živi s srcem. Ob prijetni glasbi in odlični postrežbi lahko pri nas preživite enega svojih najlepših trenutkov ali svojih najbližjih.

Gostilna Mesec

Gostilna Mesec

Družinsko gostišče Mesec, stoji na zahodni strani Vrhnike na nadmorski višini 620 m v zaselku Jerinov grič, z lepimi naravnim okoljem, čistim zrakom in lepimi razglednimi točkami z razgledom na Vrhniko, Ljubljano, Logatec ter celotno Polhograjsko hribovje in Kamniške Alpe.

Gostilna pri Kranjcu

Gostilna pri Kranjcu

Nahajamo se na Vrhniki v bližini cerkve svetega Pavla na Hribu. Poleg klasičnih jedi po naročilu ponujamo malice in kosila, ob pravem času pa smo znani tudi sezonskih jedeh (koline).

Gostilna Tursic

Gostilna Tursic

Gostilna Turšič navdušuje svoje goste že več kot 110 let.

Govinda's vegetarian restaurant

Govinda's vegetarian restaurant

Vegetarian self-service restaurant.

Hiša kulinarike Manna

Hiša kulinarike Manna

»Posvečena tla za uživanje dobrega,« slišimo naše goste govoriti. Radi jim prisluhnemo, radi poslušamo dobre zgodbe. Stari ljudje vedo za legendo, ki pravi, da si po stotih letih tudi bogovi zapomnijo prostor dobre kuhinje. In ga vzamejo za svojega. Tu, kjer danes stoji Manna, kuhamo že več kot sto let. Skoraj dvakrat sto.

Hitra hrana Sante

Hitra hrana Sante

Kebab, hamburger, cheese burger, toast, hot dog, pizza, burek, french fries...



A perfect mix of virtual and “real” reality!

Hotel Bor

Hotel Bor

Hotel Bor is a nice small hotel in an ideal location, which is called Energy Park Preddvor. Located directly on the lake Črnava in the mighty Storžič shelter, mysterious Zaplate and Kališča, indicating room for germination precious ideas.

Hotel Mantova

Hotel Mantova

Hotel Mantova ima kategorizacijo 3 zvezdic in ima s 54 ležišči značaj poslovnega hotela, njegov ambient pa vam nudi domačnost in toplino.

Hotel Piran

Hotel Piran

Hotel Piran is located directly on the beautiful coast and thus offers a magnificent view of the Pearl of the Mediterranean where you will be able to devote your time to discovering the rich and mysterious cultural heritage.



Gostilna in pizzerija

Če si pravi gurman, obišči gostilno in pizzerijo Jurman!!

Karst museum

Karst museum

Predjama treasure tells a story about social life, which took place near a candle-lit table full of food and drinks.
Kavarna Zajček

Kavarna Zajček

Na prijetnem vrtu obdanim z zelenjem in obsijanim s toplimi dopoldanskimi sončnimi žarki ali v hladni opoldanski senci vam postrežemo z najboljšo kavico v mestu – s kavico z mlekom in smetano.



A pleasant cyber-coffee with an excellent service and kindness.

La Strada

La Strada

Moda za dobro razpoloženje.

Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport

Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport

Central Slovenian airport provides regular flight connections to most major European cities and hubs, through which you can continue to all corners of the world.

Ljubljanski potniški promet -LPP

Ljubljanski potniški promet -LPP

Ljubljana Passenger Transport offers residents and citizen of  Ljubljana safe and fast transportation with a bus.

Mala mestna galerija

Mala mestna galerija

Mala mestna galerija has arranged permanent gallery space for the presentation of  art from local and foreign artists. This is done through the standard demonstration and other forms of organization, such as photo competitions, exhibitions, workshops, symposia and colonies.

Mediadom Pyrhani

Mediadom Pyrhani

When planning your visit to Piran, you are invited to all the experiences offered by the Mediadom Pyrhani.

Memorial House of Ivan Cankar

Memorial House of Ivan Cankar

Memorial House of Ivan Cankar is standing on a hill in the middle of Vrhnika city center. The current house was built in 1883 on the ruins of Cankar birthplace, which burnt down in the great fire in 1879. They only remain was the wall clock. In 1948 they began the renovation.

Mesarstvo Blatnik

Mesarstvo Blatnik

Smo družinsko podjetje za proizvodnjo in prodajo mesa in mesnih izdelkov.

Mrcina Ranch

Mrcina Ranch

Mrcina Ranch is located in the Triglav National Park in the village of Studor in Bohinj. At the ranch you can find 14 horses, that you can hire. For beginners and experienced riders.

Museum of Gorenjska

Museum of Gorenjska

Heritage models, which collects, preserves, researches and presents Gorenjski museum, designed for modern needs: to be helpful to regional and local identities and the inspiration to find solutions to contemporary cultural problems of people in Gorenjska and beyond.

Muzej pošte in telekomunikacij

Muzej pošte in telekomunikacij

Muzej pošte in telekomunikacij je enota Tehniškega muzeja Slovenije, ki ima od junija 2008 svoje prostore v graščini v Polhovem Gradcu. V muzeju so na ogled prenovljene in dopolnjene zbirke Zgodovina pošte, Zgodovina telekomunikacij, Telegrafistke in telefonistke, Zgodovina graščine v Polhovem Gradcu, občasne priložnostne razstave ter Živin kotiček, ki je namenjen najmlajšim obiskovalcem.

Nomad 2000

Nomad 2000

winter activities & trips, biking tours, walking and hiking, adventure holidays, team building & sailing, outdoor sports, ...



Antikvarjat, Galerija, Moda Art

Občina Ljutomer

Občina Ljutomer

Jeruzalem with its holy name, energetic vibes, wine road with top white wines, exquisite viewpoints and pilgrimage church has every right to be named a place of heaven.

Opera & Balet Ljubljana

Opera & Balet Ljubljana

Apart from some regular programme novelties, offered to its audience every season – the central Slovenian Musical Theatre boasts a wide repertoire of operas, ballets and concerts that derive from both modern and classical creativity, as well as around 150 season and off-season repeat performances on stages at home and abroad.

Optika Tommas

Optika Tommas

V naši optiki vam ponujamo celostno oskrbo vašega vida.

Pik Bar

Pik Bar

Prijeten pub, ki zna presenetit svoje obiskovalce s svojim pozitivnim odnosom in odlično ponudbo.

Pizzeria Osmica

Pizzeria Osmica

     The restaurant offers a large selection of pizzas, lasagna, salads ...                                           
Pizzerija in mediteranska restavracija Bandima

Pizzerija in mediteranska restavracija Bandima

pizze, fritaje ali omlete, pašte, rižote, domače pašte in njoki, enolončnice, ribe, raki, školjke, mesne jedi, solatni krožniki, sladice

Platana Bar and Bistro

Platana Bar and Bistro

Doživeli boste prijetna jutra s kavo in rogljički. V času kosila, pa vas bomo razvajali z okusnimi jedmi, ki bodo pregnale lakoto, a vas ne bodo utrujale.

Pleško Cars

Pleško Cars

Vse za vašega Renaulta - mehanična, električarska, kleparska in ličarska popravila, zamenjava steklenih delov, priprava za tehnični pregled, preventivni pregledi, nadomestni deli, pnevmatike (nakup, premontaža, shranjevanje), nova in rabljena vozila, kredit in leasing, testna in nadomestna vozila.



OUR PROMISE Our company provides unique travel opportunities in Slovenia and neighbouring countries. Our tours include interesting historical facts in picturesque scenery and historical ambient. This is a rare opportunity to explore Slovenia in a different way without traditional crowds. Come and join us and we will show you Slovenia in a new light!

Prodajalna sadja in zelenjave: Edoni Nezir Bytyqi

Prodajalna sadja in zelenjave: Edoni Nezir Bytyqi

Prodaja sadja in zelenjave vrhunske kvalitete.

Pub Bled

Pub Bled

Prijeten pub nad Oštarijo Peglez'n.

Radgonske gorice

Radgonske gorice

We invite you to visit our Sparkling Wine Cellar, where bottles of the golden champion are matured on special racks. In this magical place, you will be able to feel our devotion, knowhow and love for our work and its fruits.

Restaurant  Promenada

Restaurant Promenada

Homey, authentic restaurant in Petkovškovo nabrežje.

Restaurant  Stara Mačka

Restaurant Stara Mačka

Restaurant Stara Mačka is located in the center of Ljubljana.

Restaurant Allegria

Restaurant Allegria

     A nice restaurant in the center of Ljubljana.                                           
Restaurant and Apartments Riva

Restaurant and Apartments Riva

Run away from everyday life and enjoy in our restaurant with apartments Riva!

Restaurant and Pizzeria Boter

Restaurant and Pizzeria Boter

Situated in an beautifully restored old family home in the centre of
Vrhnika - a quaint town some 20km down the A1 motorway on the way to the coast - Gostilna Boter offers all the charm and tradition of your typical Slovenian countryside restaurant, but is easier to find than most.

Restaurant and Pizzeria Nibi

Restaurant and Pizzeria Nibi

Restaurant and pizzeria Nibi is a family business for more than twenty years. Family Basic is dedicated to their customers and business for all this years.

Restaurant Center

Restaurant Center

Multipurpose building of the AMZS Safe Driving Center at Vransko is also the location of restaurant Center. It may come as a surprise to many visitors, but it offers so much more then just the average snacks...

Restaurant Kurej

Restaurant Kurej

We invite you to spend your time here with us, in the company of relatives, friends or business partners, spend some beautiful moments with excellent food, excellent service and selected drinks.

Restavracija Mantova

Restavracija Mantova

V naši restavraciji se trudimo zadovoljiti vse okuse naših cenjenih gostov, posebno pozornost pa posvečamo vašim najmlajšim, s pestro izbiro jedilnikov za otroke in pisanim naborom sladic.

Ribarnica in restavracija Valentin

Ribarnica in restavracija Valentin

V središču ljubljane vam restavracija in ribarnica Valentin obljubljata dnevno sveže pripravljene ribe. Poleg rib, ki si jih lahko izberete sami v ribarnici, kasneje pa jih naši kuharski mojstri pripravijo po vaši želji, ponuja jedilnik tudi sezonsko pripravljene jedi in domače sladice.

Rival Trade, Trzin

Rival Trade, Trzin

Podjetje Rival trade d.o.o. Trzin se ukvarja s prodajo svežih in zamrznjenih rib, rakov in mehkužcev z Jadrana, Sredozemlja in ostalih morij.

Savica Waterfall

Savica Waterfall

Waterfall and stream that flows into lake Bohinj. Slap Savica certainly one of the more well-known waterfalls, with a touch of romance and what sort of historic significance. It is one of the most visited Slovenian waterfalls and also has great tourist importance in Bohinj end.



Digital Photo Express & Souvenir Shop

Slaščičarna Berzo

Slaščičarna Berzo

Slaščičarna Berzo ponuja slastne dobrote ter razvaja že od leta 1932.

ST Aviation

ST Aviation

ST letalstvu je specializirano za poslovne ter reševalne lete, ki zagotavlja 24-urno pomoč, 365 dni v letu, ki izpolnjuje vaše zahteve v najkrajšem možnem času.Znanja željnim osebam pa pomagamo pri usposabljanju za letenje, s teoretično in praktično podporo.

Stara Oljka

Stara Oljka

Nova gostilna slabih 5 minut iz centra Maribora s prečudovito teraso, velikim lastnim parkiriščem ter prečudovitim ambientom. Hrana za vse ki želite nekaj več ... seveda za normalno ceno.

Studio Zlata ptica

Studio Zlata ptica

Darilnica in ustvarjalnica – unikatni izdelki slovenskih izdelovalcev, materiali in pripomočki za ustvarjanje, organizacija dogodkov

Tatoo & Piercing Cult

Tatoo & Piercing Cult

Studijo Tatoo & Piering offers a variety of options for tatoos and piercings, and the acquisition of ornamental jewelry.

Terme Dobrna

Terme Dobrna

Terme Dobrna, a spa, is a vital health and tourist center with a touch of nostalgia. Spa combines natural beauty and modern medical science.

The Gušterija tavern

The Gušterija tavern

The Gušterija tavern was created in order to offer visitors delicious meals, made with feeling and gusto.

TIC Čatež ob Savi

TIC Čatež ob Savi

Tourist information center Čatež ob Savi

TIC Ormož

TIC Ormož

Come to us, open your heart, follow the rattle song that will take you through the hills and cellars of the finest wines. Come and meet humorous and rollicking people.

Timfit Fitnes Studio

Timfit Fitnes Studio

Fitnes studijoTimfit se nahaja na začetku naselja Dragomer.

Tina Raft rafting center

Tina Raft rafting center

Spend the most crazy and unforgettable trip with the team TINARAFT rafting, 25 years of tradition.

Tomas Sport 2

Tomas Sport 2

Tomas sport2 chain vendors, comprises 23 stores in all major cities in Slovenia.

Tourist Farm Pirc

Tourist Farm Pirc

In the morning, the warble of the birds and the first rays of the sun will wake you up, and in the evening, you will able to enjoy the gorgeous sunsets.

Trgovina DOGET Vrhnika

Trgovina DOGET Vrhnika

Trgovina DOGET na Vrhniki je bila ena izmed prvih specializiranih trgovin za male živali v Sloveniji. Na Vrhniki so vrata trgovine odprta že od leta 1992.

Trgovina Kara

Trgovina Kara

Trgovina z obutvijo Kara.

Trgovina Levček

Trgovina Levček

Trovina z darili, za vse priložnosti in okuse



At the Troica House of Homemade Delicacies,  all your senses can have  a pleasant experience.

Turistična Kmetija Kuren

Turistična Kmetija Kuren

Izletniška kmetija, ki se ponaša s čudovitim razgledom nad Ljubljansko okolico, leži na griču, sredi travnikov, na samem, tik ob gozdu. Gostitelji so znani po raznoliki kulinarični ponudbi. Gospodar v domači krušni peči speče odlične telečje krače. Vaše brbončice pa bodo prav tako navdušene nad specialitetami iz mesa divjih prašičev in drugimi domačimi mesninami, ki nastajajo pod spretnimi prsti prijaznih gostiteljev.

Veterinarstvo Plevnik

Veterinarstvo Plevnik

Veterinarske center Mateja Plevnik

Vinarium Lendava

Vinarium Lendava

Sightseeing in Prekmurje starts with Vinarium Lendava.

Vinetou-Jeep safari

Vinetou-Jeep safari

Vinetou je nekoliko samosvoja agencija za adrenalinsko doživljajski turizem. Posebnost njihovih izletov je vsekakor JEEP SAFARI.

Vulkanija Advenutre Park

Vulkanija Advenutre Park

<p>In Vulkanija Adventure Park is waiting for you an unforgettable experience a volcano that was active 3 million years ago in the territory of present-day Slovenia.</p>

Zavetišče Planina nad Vrhniko

Zavetišče Planina nad Vrhniko

Zavetišče na Planini nad Vrhniko je priljubljena izletniška točka z razglednim stolpom dostopna po peš poti iz različnih smeri. Dostop je možen tudi z avtomobilom ali kolesom po gozdni poti. Zavetišče je odprto ob sobotah, nedeljah in praznikih, za organizirane skupine tudi med tednom.

Zlatarna Celje

Zlatarna Celje

Jewellery of Zlatarna Celje is inviting you to feel it on your skin ...

ZOO park Rožman

ZOO park Rožman

Zoo park Rožman allows direct contact with animals.

What's POI map?

POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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