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TIC Šentjur

TIC Šentjur

We have designed tourist packages for all our valued visitors, that will guide you to our most beautiful places.

In the tourist information center we will happily provide you with information about natural and cultural heritage, catering, accommodation, events and recreational opportunities in the area. We can arrange for guided tours specifically catered to your needs and you can also buy interesting souvenirs. We also offer various excursions.

Občina Štore

Občina Štore

Občina Štore se razprostira na 28,1 km2, na pretežno gričevnatem območju ob reki Voglajni, na vzhodnem robu Celjske kotline. Občina šteje približno 4.144 prebivalcev, ki živijo v 12 naseljih.

Bed and breakfast - farmhouse Weiss

Bed and breakfast - farmhouse Weiss

The Lower Savinja Valley - the Valley of Green Gold and WEISS tourist farm invite you to visit and enjoy waking up in the countryside, in the pleasant ambiance of our rooms, and indulge in the hearty breakfasts of homemade delicacies. What you can find here is peace and quiet, fresh air and numerous opportunities for recreational and other activities.

Kozjanski park

Kozjanski park

Kozjanski Park covers an area of 206 sq. km. It has the status of regional park and it is also the largest regional park in Slovenia. The boundaries of Kozjansko region are not precisely defined. The area south of the Voglajna river, west of the Sotla river, east of the Savinja river and north of the eastern part of the Posavje hills is known as Kozjansko region.

Malteški hram

Malteški hram

Grad Komenda leži na vzpetini sredi Polzele in je najbolj ohranjen grad malteškega viteškega reda, je bil skozi zgodovino središče dogajanja na Polzeli.. V gostilnici Malteški hram obiskovalcem željnih užitkov nudimo vrhunsko kavo, pregrešne sladice, odlična slovenska vina in izbrane jedi, ter odličen ambient, ko praznujete s svojimi najdražjimi.

Trebnik Mansion

Trebnik Mansion

Dvorec Trebnik offers you a wide variety of natural products and unforgettable pleasures. In Trebnik Mansion, increasingly attractive and interesting novelties are developed every day. The brand name Dvorec Trebnik covers a couple of lines of products of natural and Slovene origin.

Zavod za kulturo, turizem in šport Polzela

Zavod za kulturo, turizem in šport Polzela

Namen in poslanstvo zavoda je zagotavljanje kontinuirane prisotnosti kvalitetnih vsebin s področja kulture, turizma in športa ter učinkovitejša organizacija, razvoj in spodbujanje dejavnosti na omenjenih področjih s ciljem dviga kvalitete življenja v občini in boljše prepoznavnosti Občine Polzela.

What's POI map?

POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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