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At the beginning of a narrow valley, where Mežakla meets Karavanke, grew the city Jesenice, a working, iron, hockey, border town and municipal center. The formation of Jesenice is connected with the development of ironworks along the Sava River. The development of mines, blast furnaces and ironworks in Jesenice began with the end of the 14th century. In more recent times, since Jesenice started turning from predominantly industrial city into an increasingly developed tourist area, the town and its surrounding villages, mountains, hills, rivers, slopes and forest paths started to attracted increasing numbers of visitors.
Today, the municipality is the administrative center for the Upper Sava Valley and can boast with good transport and other infrastructure, many sports, cultural, artistic and other associations, general hospital with a maternity wing, health center, theater, cinema, library and several schools. The municipality also has several shopping centers and industrial zones.
Visit the city of steel and daffodils, where urban industrial scene really is only a step away from blooming hills and mountains above the town. After seeing the technical monument Stara Sava, a former ironworks settlement, and learn about the history of the mining industry in the Gornjesavski museum, go on virgin white plains of Golica in bloom - a natural habitat of daffodils, or to Pristava with the Zois park - more than a hundred years old first botanical garden area Slovenia.

Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice

Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice

Poslanstvo javnega zavoda je skrb za prepoznavanje, ohranjanje, predstavljanje, razumevanje žive ter premične kulturne in naravne dediščine gornjesavske regije ter planinske in železarske dediščine širšega slovenskega prostora.

Kajžnkova hiša

Kajžnkova hiša

Kajžnkova hiša v južnem delu vaškega jedra je zidana, enonadstropna, ima dvokapno streho na čop in zatrepna zunanja hodnika (ganka). Nekdanji dom srednje trdne kmetije ima značilno tlorisno zasnovo: hiša s kamro, veža s črno kuhinjo in kašča



Kasarna je poznobaročna stavba s konca 18. stoletja. Sodi med najstarejše ohranjene primere skupnih delavskih stanovanj pri nas.

Kosova graščina

Kosova graščina

V obnovljeni graščini je od leta 1985 v prvem nadstropju stalna razstava novejše zgodovine Jesenic.

Liznjekova domačija

Liznjekova domačija

Liznjekova domačija sredi Kranjske Gore je bila bogat gruntarski dom ob nekdanji glavni vaški poti.

Ruardova graščina

Ruardova graščina

Zaradi obnove Ruardove graščine je železarski muzej do nadaljnjega zaprt.

Italijanska rodbina Bucelleni se je leta 1538 s Planine pod Golico preselila na Staro Savo. Zgradila je graščino in ob njej postavila fužino, ki ji je v kratkem času prinesla precejšnje premoženje.

Slovenski planinski muzej

Slovenski planinski muzej

Predstavlja edinstveno planinsko in gorniško središče v Sloveniji. V njem se prepletajo zgodovinska pričevanja o začetkih in razvoju slovenskega planinstva in gorništva z aktualnimi dosežki Slovencev v domačih in tujih gorah.

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