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Kranjska Gora


Kranjska Gora is located in the northwest of Slovenia on the border with Austria and Italy, at the foot of the Julian Alps and the Karavanke, in the narrow area of ??the Triglav National Park. Kranjska Gora is the municipal center and the largest city in the Zgornjesavska Valley. Ski-jumping in Planica carried the name of the town and valley in the world, which has prompted the development of tourism in Kranjska Gora region, but it was due to the establishment of ski trails and lifts on the slopes of Vitranc at end of the fifties that made Kranjska Gora experience a real tourist boom. Today it is known as a mountain tourist destination and an important, world-famous winter sports resort. Around the old village center a new tourist part of the village has grown, complete with shopping malls, hotels, apartments, vacation homes and private rooms, recreational facilities, ski lifts and ski runs and a network of bike and walking path.

In addition to the abundance of recreational opportunities which Kranjska Gora and its surroundings offer visitors, there is also the magic of the natural heritage, including the stone image of the Pagan girl, Prisank window, Martuljek waterfalls and the source of the Sava Dolinka. The central cultural monument represents the Church of Our Lady of the sky taken, built in the late Gothic style, also worth visiting are the birthplace of the youth writer Josip Vandot and the 300 years old Liznjek homested, where the "black kitchen" and the old room layout are completed with an ethnographic collection.

Camping Kamne

Camping Kamne

In an idyllic alpine resort of two villages Dovje and Mojstrana, ''where mountains shake hands'', is situated the pleasant and peaceful Kamne campsite. Small, family owned camping can accommodate up to 200 guests every night and is open all year.

Kajžnkova hiša

Kajžnkova hiša

Kajžnkova hiša v južnem delu vaškega jedra je zidana, enonadstropna, ima dvokapno streho na čop in zatrepna zunanja hodnika (ganka). Nekdanji dom srednje trdne kmetije ima značilno tlorisno zasnovo: hiša s kamro, veža s črno kuhinjo in kašča

Liznjekova domačija

Liznjekova domačija

Liznjekova domačija sredi Kranjske Gore je bila bogat gruntarski dom ob nekdanji glavni vaški poti.

Nordic Centre Planica

Nordic Centre Planica

PLANICA – the place of well-being

Planica represents a symbol of Slovenian sport, fortitude, natural beauty and heritage of world renown. The valley at the slope of Mount Ponca has for decades attracted numerous visitors there to witness the historical development of ski jumping and ski flying.The most contemporary Nordic Centre on the threshold of the Triglav National Park is a unique complex that offers its visitor the ideal place to relax, do sports activities and have fun.

Oštarija tavern

Oštarija tavern

The smell of home-made goodies at the end of ski arena will lure you to the Oštarija tavern. In the cold winter days, you can warm up by the fireplace and enjoy home-made treats served in earthenware. In the summer time, a piglet is often roasting on the barbecue.

Slovenski planinski muzej

Slovenski planinski muzej

Predstavlja edinstveno planinsko in gorniško središče v Sloveniji. V njem se prepletajo zgodovinska pričevanja o začetkih in razvoju slovenskega planinstva in gorništva z aktualnimi dosežki Slovencev v domačih in tujih gorah.

TIC Kranjska Gora

TIC Kranjska Gora

Turistično informacijski center Kranjska Gora

Turistično društvo Dovje - Mojstrana

Turistično društvo Dovje - Mojstrana

Turistično informacijski center posreduje turistične informacije ter prodaja razglednice, spominke, turistične, planinske in kolesarske karte. Tu lahko tudi rezervirate zasebne sobe in apartmaje.

Turistično društvo Rateče - Planica

Turistično društvo Rateče - Planica

Turistično društvo Rateče - Planica

Vopa pub

Vopa pub

Bar in nočni klub. Živa glasba ob vikendih.

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POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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