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Camping Kamne

Camping Kamne

In an idyllic alpine resort of two villages Dovje and Mojstrana, ''where mountains shake hands'', is situated the pleasant and peaceful Kamne campsite. Small, family owned camping can accommodate up to 200 guests every night and is open all year.

TIC Kranjska Gora

TIC Kranjska Gora

Turistično informacijski center Kranjska Gora

Turistično društvo Dovje - Mojstrana

Turistično društvo Dovje - Mojstrana

Turistično informacijski center posreduje turistične informacije ter prodaja razglednice, spominke, turistične, planinske in kolesarske karte. Tu lahko tudi rezervirate zasebne sobe in apartmaje.

Turistično društvo Rateče - Planica

Turistično društvo Rateče - Planica

Turistično društvo Rateče - Planica

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POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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