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Slovenian museums are extremly active in collecting national and local cultural and techonogical herritage from various fields. Different institutions are protecting art herritage, diverse branches, from minery to fire fighting, technical eras from times of first expansion of mechanical weapons, rails and cars and civilisational achivements along with achivements of distant ancestors from oblivion. Everyone can find something for himself; we will try to help you with the piece of rich possibilities.

Bled Castle

Bled Castle

<p>According to written sources, the oldest castle in Slovenia first mentioned in a 1011 donation deed as castellum Veldes. Perched atop a steep cliff rising 130 metres above the glacial Lake Bled is a symbol of Bled and Slovenia – Bled Castle. </p>

Discover Brežice

Discover Brežice

A junction of different worlds

Domačija Selak in Vinoteka Otilija

Domačija Selak in Vinoteka Otilija

Domačija Selak se nahaja v samem centru Šentjerneja. Pri vhodu nas pozdravi skulptura petelina, ki je narejena iz osnovnega kmečkega orodja:  kos, srpov, lopate, sekire, motike, grabelj … Vinoteka ponuja vina štirih največjih vinarjev Šentjernejske doline.

Fin Art Invest

Fin Art Invest

Najstarejša galerija v Ljubljani, z vami že od leta 1933 / Oldest gallery in Ljubljana since 1933

Geopark Karavanke

Geopark Karavanke

Geopark Karavanke/Karawanken is a member of European and Global Geoparks Network created under the auspices of UNESCO.

Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice

Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice

Poslanstvo javnega zavoda je skrb za prepoznavanje, ohranjanje, predstavljanje, razumevanje žive ter premične kulturne in naravne dediščine gornjesavske regije ter planinske in železarske dediščine širšega slovenskega prostora.

Green Karst

Green Karst

There is a nook where nature really did its best. 

Kajžnkova hiša

Kajžnkova hiša

Kajžnkova hiša v južnem delu vaškega jedra je zidana, enonadstropna, ima dvokapno streho na čop in zatrepna zunanja hodnika (ganka). Nekdanji dom srednje trdne kmetije ima značilno tlorisno zasnovo: hiša s kamro, veža s črno kuhinjo in kašča

Karst museum

Karst museum

Predjama treasure tells a story about social life, which took place near a candle-lit table full of food and drinks.


Kasarna je poznobaročna stavba s konca 18. stoletja. Sodi med najstarejše ohranjene primere skupnih delavskih stanovanj pri nas.

Kosova graščina

Kosova graščina

V obnovljeni graščini je od leta 1985 v prvem nadstropju stalna razstava novejše zgodovine Jesenic.

KUD France Prešeren

KUD France Prešeren

KUD FRANCE PREŠEREN je kulturno umetniško društvo, ki s svojo neprofitno programsko politiko odprtega socialnega prostora podpira kakovostno, drugačno in še neuveljavljeno kulturo.

Liznjekova domačija

Liznjekova domačija

Liznjekova domačija sredi Kranjske Gore je bila bogat gruntarski dom ob nekdanji glavni vaški poti.

Memorial House of Ivan Cankar

Memorial House of Ivan Cankar

Memorial House of Ivan Cankar is standing on a hill in the middle of Vrhnika city center. The current house was built in 1883 on the ruins of Cankar birthplace, which burnt down in the great fire in 1879. They only remain was the wall clock. In 1948 they began the renovation.

Museum of Gorenjska

Museum of Gorenjska

Heritage models, which collects, preserves, researches and presents Gorenjski museum, designed for modern needs: to be helpful to regional and local identities and the inspiration to find solutions to contemporary cultural problems of people in Gorenjska and beyond.

Museum of Illusions

Museum of Illusions

Are you ready for a fascinating adventure? We offer you an intriguing visual, sensual and educational experience with a handful of new, unexplored illusions.

Muzej pošte in telekomunikacij

Muzej pošte in telekomunikacij

Muzej pošte in telekomunikacij je enota Tehniškega muzeja Slovenije, ki ima od junija 2008 svoje prostore v graščini v Polhovem Gradcu. V muzeju so na ogled prenovljene in dopolnjene zbirke Zgodovina pošte, Zgodovina telekomunikacij, Telegrafistke in telefonistke, Zgodovina graščine v Polhovem Gradcu, občasne priložnostne razstave ter Živin kotiček, ki je namenjen najmlajšim obiskovalcem.

Planika dairy »From Pasture To Dairy« Museum

Planika dairy »From Pasture To Dairy« Museum

The museum contains a recreation of an Alpine dairy farmer's cottage with all the equipment needed to turn milk cheese.

Pokrajinski muzej Koper

Pokrajinski muzej Koper

Pokrajinski muzej Koper je po svojem poslanstvu muzej, ki v skladu s pravili in cilji muzejske stroke skrbi za premično kulturno dediščino ter jo predstavlja najširšemu krogu javnosti in skupinam s posebnimi potrebami

Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota

Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota

Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota

Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije

Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije

Nacionalni muzej z naravoslovno, znanstveno in pedagoško vsebino.

Ribnica Handicraft Centre

Ribnica Handicraft Centre

The Public Institute Ribnica Handicraft Centre

The Public Institute Ribnica Handicraft Centre brings together three well-established organizations - the Museum of Ribnica, the Miklova Hiša Gallery and the Museum Shop

Ruardova graščina

Ruardova graščina

Zaradi obnove Ruardove graščine je železarski muzej do nadaljnjega zaprt.

Italijanska rodbina Bucelleni se je leta 1538 s Planine pod Golico preselila na Staro Savo. Zgradila je graščino in ob njej postavila fužino, ki ji je v kratkem času prinesla precejšnje premoženje.

Slovenian School Museum

Slovenian School Museum

The Slovenian School Museum in Ljubljana, founded in 1898, is the oldest specialised museum in Slovenia focusing on a specific sphere of man's activities.

Slovenski planinski muzej

Slovenski planinski muzej

Predstavlja edinstveno planinsko in gorniško središče v Sloveniji. V njem se prepletajo zgodovinska pričevanja o začetkih in razvoju slovenskega planinstva in gorništva z aktualnimi dosežki Slovencev v domačih in tujih gorah.

Šokčev dvor

Šokčev dvor

Šokčev dvor v Žuničih predstavlja za obkolpski del Bele krajine značilen kmečki dom in je eden izmed zavarovanih kulturnih spomenikov v Krajinskem parku Kolpa. Domačija se nahaja ob vhodu v vas ob cesti Vinica - Adlešiči, od Črnomlja oddaljena 20 km.

Tehniški muzej Slovenije

Tehniški muzej Slovenije

Največji slovenski muzej, Tehniški muzej Slovenije, se nahaja v nekdanjem kartuzijanskem samostanu v Bistri pri Vrhniki, ki je od Ljubljane oddaljen le dvajset kilometrov.

The Alpine Dairy museum

The Alpine Dairy museum

The Alpine Dairy museum, housed in Stara Fužina in the abandoned village cheese-dairy, first opened in 1971, was extended and further augmented in 1990.

The Magical World of Shells

The Magical World of Shells

Over 3000 different specimens of shellfish and snails from all the seas and continents of the world as well as from many caves, lakes and rivers.

The Oplen house

The Oplen house

The living culture museum, or Oplen House in Studor, was opened to the public in 1991. All the exhibition areas are equipped with the original furnishings of its last owners, which is why the house is an interesting representation of the living culture of the Bohinj population of the beginning of the 20th Century.

The Škocjan Caves Regional Park

The Škocjan Caves Regional Park

The Skocjan Caves, with the vastness of their underground halls and gorges, hold a special place among the seven thousand caves in Slovenia. They comprise a network of eleven caves, with hollows, swallow holes, natural bridges among them many geological features. Because of their unique natural features and cultural heritage they have been on the UNESCO world heritage list since 1986.

The Tomaž Godec Museum

The Tomaž Godec Museum

In the Godec house in Bohinjska Bistrica, which once housed a tannery, there has been a museum since 1979. It is named after its former owner, Tomaž Godec (1905 -1942), a trained tanner, an extraordinary sportsman and the organiser of skiing, mountaineering and tourism events in Bohinj.

The Vrbovec Museum

The Vrbovec Museum

Get to know the evolution of forests throughout geological time, learn interesting facts about forests and trees throughout the world, find out what is so special about forests and forest management in Slovenia, and learn about the meaning and usefulness of wood in the past and the present.



Zavod za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica - Žirovnica 14, 4274 Žirovnica

Discover Žirovnica - the heart of Slovenian culture and the cradle of Slovenian beekeeping. Embraced by meadows, forests and mountains, situated not far from the well-known towns of Bled and Radovljica, 10 rural villages await you to discover their exceptional natural and cultural heritage.

What's POI map?

POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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