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Mens sana in corpore sano, or sound mind in a healthy body!

Stick to this principle even on holiday! Visit the nearby park or go on a long trip in the surrounding hills, and enjoy the green nature and relaxation. In central Slovenia you can find a wide selection of offers sports activities, both in nature as well as in the halls.

Kraljeva domačija Borovnica

Kraljeva domačija Borovnica

Konj vam bo pokazal, kdaj razumete stvari prav. Prisluhnite konju, saj vam vedno govori resnico. Konji so velike in hitre živali, ki sprejemajo odločitve po svojem občutku in ne po tem, kar mislijo, saj si le na ta način zagotovijo preživetje. Prisotni so v vsakem trenutku in zaupajo svoji intuiciji ter sposobnosti čutenja pri odnosu do ljudi, drugih živali in okolice.

What's POI map?

POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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