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Eating – the primary condition for life and, on the other hand, much more than that. It can be art, plane pampering, self-expression, care for health and personal developement. It goes over the land of all sorts of tastes and types, conditioned with culture and diets. We believe that we can help you to find and ideal restourant for yourself.

Agrotourism Pr'Dovar

Agrotourism Pr'Dovar

The tourist farm pr'Dovar boasts a location at the doorstep of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. We offer house specialties such as homemade bread baked in a bread oven, cottage cheese dumplings, various kinds of potica (cake baked from raised dough with walnut, raisin or other filling), etc. The rooms are furnished in natural materials to create a cosy atmosphere.

Gostilna pod Krvavcem

Gostilna pod Krvavcem

Za naš pester jedilnik je poskrbela idilična okolica. Poleg značilnih slovenskih jedi, vam v potoku nalovimo postrvi, ki so naša kulinarična posebnost, saj vam jih pripravimo na več kot petnajst različnih okusov. Ali pa vas vedno znova premamijo mesne specialitete.

Turistična kmetija Pr Florjan

Turistična kmetija Pr Florjan

Planšarija Pr Florjan

Planšarija Pr Florjan se nahaja na Kriški planini(1525 m), sredi smučišča Krvavec. V zimskem času vam postrežejo s toplo kmečko domačo hrano, v poletnem pa s kislim mlekom, ajdovimi žganci, sirom, štruklji in maselnekom. Na razpolago imajo tudi kosila po naročilu ter velik prostor za zaključene družbe do 70 oseb.

Turistična kmetija Pr'Ambružarju

Turistična kmetija Pr'Ambružarju

Gorenjska, v tvoje lepote sta se zaljubila že marsikatera duša in srce. Tisti, ki jo ljubijo sonce, lep razgled, mir, čisti zrak in sprehode, gotovo poznajo Ambrož in seveda tudi Krvavec. Naša domačija leži na nadmorski višini 1100 m v vasi Ambrož pod Krvavcem.

What's POI map?

POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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