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Eating – the primary condition for life and, on the other hand, much more than that. It can be art, plane pampering, self-expression, care for health and personal developement. It goes over the land of all sorts of tastes and types, conditioned with culture and diets. We believe that we can help you to find and ideal restourant for yourself.

Občina Štore

Občina Štore

Občina Štore se razprostira na 28,1 km2, na pretežno gričevnatem območju ob reki Voglajni, na vzhodnem robu Celjske kotline. Občina šteje približno 4.144 prebivalcev, ki živijo v 12 naseljih.

Dom na Svetini

Dom na Svetini

V domu vam, razen ob ponedeljkih, postrežemo z vedno svežo in okusno hrano. Po želji pa vas ob prijetnih večerih na zaključkih preseneti tudi kakšen priznan ansambel. Dom na Svetini vam ponuja popolno doživetje.

Gostilna Privošnik

Gostilna Privošnik

Ob stari cesti Dunaj - Trst stoji v Šempetru stara furmanska gostilna Privošnik. Gostilna slovi po posebno ohlajenem pivu in po domačem narezku.

Haler Homestead Olimje

Haler Homestead Olimje

Homestead Haler offers home-made beer which they brew in their micro brewery. Together with good beer and delicious home-made wine, their renovated restaurant also offers a wide choice of meals. Homestead Haler also offers accommodation for an affordable price.

Hotel, Restaurant Triglav

Hotel, Restaurant Triglav

Terme Dobrna is an atractive destination in this green jewel. But from there there are many possibilities in every direction to actively seek new experience, treasures from the past, views to rest your eyes, and yourself. The Triglav hotel for a cozy rest and well-being. the Triglav Inn for your soul and stomac.

Malteški hram

Malteški hram

Grad Komenda leži na vzpetini sredi Polzele in je najbolj ohranjen grad malteškega viteškega reda, je bil skozi zgodovino središče dogajanja na Polzeli.. V gostilnici Malteški hram obiskovalcem željnih užitkov nudimo vrhunsko kavo, pregrešne sladice, odlična slovenska vina in izbrane jedi, ter odličen ambient, ko praznujete s svojimi najdražjimi.

Picerija Verona

Picerija Verona

Tradicija in izkušnje na področju gostinstva, prijaznost in ustrežljivost osebja ter kvalitetna ponudba uvrščata Picerijo Verono v sam vrh ponudnikov gostinstva v Celju.

What's POI map?

POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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