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Eating – the primary condition for life and, on the other hand, much more than that. It can be art, plane pampering, self-expression, care for health and personal developement. It goes over the land of all sorts of tastes and types, conditioned with culture and diets. We believe that we can help you to find and ideal restourant for yourself.

Gostilna in Pizzeria Pr´Gantari

Gostilna in Pizzeria Pr´Gantari

Gostinstvo Gantar, Marko Gantar s.p.

Ponujamo tople in hladne predjedi, zrezke na tak in drugačen način s prilogo po vaši želji. Še posebej priporočamo ročno izdelane idrijske žlikrofe. Ljubitelji pic pri nas lahko izbirajo med odličnimi picami, kot so kraška, domača, grška, vražja ter druge.

Hotel Jožef ****

Hotel Jožef ****

Hotel Jožef is a boutique hotel located between the historical city centre of Idrija and the entrance to the Mine Museum, which was in 2012 added to the UNESCO World Heritage Site List. This modern and functionally equipped four-star hotel is the right choice for those looking for comfort and superior service.

Inn Gostilna pri Škafarju

Inn Gostilna pri Škafarju

Inn Gostilna pri Škafarju with 20 years of tradition located in the centre of Idrija. You will find us in the street between Mestni trg (square) and the square St. Ahacij.

What's POI map?

POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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