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Eating – the primary condition for life and, on the other hand, much more than that. It can be art, plane pampering, self-expression, care for health and personal developement. It goes over the land of all sorts of tastes and types, conditioned with culture and diets. We believe that we can help you to find and ideal restourant for yourself.

Gostilna Rešer

Gostilna Rešer

Čar gostilne so ohranjeni starinski oboki in sama arhitektura stavbe, ki je stara več 100 let in je ena izmed najstarejših hiš v kraju. Nad vhodom je tabla, ki je prav tako zgodovinskega pomena, z napisom v grščini »danes meni, jutri tebi« iz leta 1576. Tradicija gostinske dejavnosti sega že v 18.st.in se prenaša iz roda v rod.

What's POI map?

POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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