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Podjetja označena z: tourist

TIC Brezovica

TIC Brezovica

Turistične informacije občine Brezovica

TIC Laško

TIC Laško

Visitors can find information about accommodation, individual tours, local guided tours and daytrips in the Laško area. In addition, you can buy tickets for events in Slovenia and abroad.

TIC Novo mesto

TIC Novo mesto

V Turistično informacijskem centru Novo mesto vas s koristnimi informacijami napotimo na najzanimivejše lokacije v mestu in okolici.

Turizem Škofja Loka

Turizem Škofja Loka

TIC - Turistično informacijski center Škofja Loka

Turizem Žalec

Turizem Žalec

Dobrodošli v Žalcu, v objemu zelenega zlata! Vabimo vas k obisku lepot narave in okušanju dobrot doline, k obujanju tradicije, pozibavanju v ritmih glasbe in ne nazadnje, k slavljenju ljubezni. Nazdravite z nami! Na doživetja!

Turizem Žalec - TIC Žalec

Turizem Žalec - TIC Žalec

Welcome to Žalec, In the Land of Green Gold! You are kindly invited to absorb the beauty of nature and taste the culinary treats of the Savinja Valley, to awaken the traditions, to sway with the rhythms of the music, and to celebrate love. Join us in our toast to experiences!

TIC Šentjur

TIC Šentjur

We have designed tourist packages for all our valued visitors, that will guide you to our most beautiful places.

In the tourist information center we will happily provide you with information about natural and cultural heritage, catering, accommodation, events and recreational opportunities in the area. We can arrange for guided tours specifically catered to your needs and you can also buy interesting souvenirs. We also offer various excursions.

TIC - Tourist Information Center Cerklje

TIC - Tourist Information Center Cerklje

At the tourist information centre you will find all the necessary information about accommodation, catering, culture, sports and tourism in Cerklje. At the centre, there are various free catalogs, intended for guests for an active experience of free time and introduction to cultural heritage both in Cerklje and its surroundings.

TIC Idrija

TIC Idrija

Tourist Information Centre (TIC) provides general information about the town and its surroundings, sites worth seeing and events, which liven up the happenings in the town. The event that stands out particularly is the internationally acclaimed Idrija Lace Festival. TIC recommends restaurants which offer typical local dishes, such as the "žlikrofi", "zeljševka" and "smukavc".

TIC Kočevje

TIC Kočevje

V turističnem informacijskem centru Kočevje vam bomo z veseljem posredovali informacije o naravni in kulturni dediščini, gostinski ponudbi, prenočiščih, prireditvah in možnostih rekreacije na tem območju.

Turizem Cerkno

Turizem Cerkno

LTO Laufar Cerkno

Svojevrstna pokrajina, svet davnih spominov, prvobitna in neokrnjena narava, zgodovinski in kulturni spomeniki, čudoviti kraji, raznolika kulinarična ponudba in prijazni ljudje - to je Cerkljanska.



Razvojni center Novo mesto d.o.o.

Complete/comprehensive regional tourism offer – VisitDolenjska.eu

Agrotourism Pr'Dovar

Agrotourism Pr'Dovar

The tourist farm pr'Dovar boasts a location at the doorstep of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. We offer house specialties such as homemade bread baked in a bread oven, cottage cheese dumplings, various kinds of potica (cake baked from raised dough with walnut, raisin or other filling), etc. The rooms are furnished in natural materials to create a cosy atmosphere.

Bed and breakfast - farmhouse Weiss

Bed and breakfast - farmhouse Weiss

The Lower Savinja Valley - the Valley of Green Gold and WEISS tourist farm invite you to visit and enjoy waking up in the countryside, in the pleasant ambiance of our rooms, and indulge in the hearty breakfasts of homemade delicacies. What you can find here is peace and quiet, fresh air and numerous opportunities for recreational and other activities.

Cerkno Tourism

Cerkno Tourism

LTO Laufar Cerkno

A unique landscape, a world of ancient memories, primitive and intact nature, historical and cultural monuments, beautiful places, diverse culinary offers and friendly people – this is the essence of the Cerkno region.



Tourist Service Portoroz

Spend your vacation or a short break at the beautiful seaside town of Portoroz and its surroundings: Piran, Lucija, Seca, Strunjan, Izola, Koper or Ankaran.

Podzemlje Pece

Podzemlje Pece

Turistični rudnik in muzej

<p>V rudniku so predstavljeni načini rudarjenja in rudarska oprema, ki so jo rudarji uporabljali v različnih zgodovinskih obdobjih, od začetkov pred 340. leti do zadnjih dni rudarjenja v preteklem stoletju.</p>

Special Sort of House

Special Sort of House

Our mission also involves the local community to make our farm function well – from the food, materials, arts and crafts to help in organisation and occasional extra staff – the family, relatives and other people from the village work in the House.

TIC Črna na Koroškem

TIC Črna na Koroškem

Turistično-informacijski center Črna na Koroškem - Park kralja Matjaža

TIC Jezero Kočevje

TIC Jezero Kočevje

V turističnem informacijskem centru Jezero Kočevje vam bomo z veseljem posredovali informacije o naravni in kulturni dediščini, gostinski ponudbi, prenočiščih, prireditvah in možnostih rekreacije na tem območju.

TIC Kamnik

TIC Kamnik

Kamnik Tourist Information Center. It is located in the Main square (Glavni trg) of the town centre and can be easily found.

TIC Kobarid

TIC Kobarid

LTO Sotočje

Tourist information in Kobarid.

TIC Prevalje

TIC Prevalje

Turistično-informacijski center Prevalje

TIC Ravne na Koroškem

TIC Ravne na Koroškem

Turistično-informacijski center Ravne na Koroškem

TIC Tolmin

TIC Tolmin

LTO Sotočje

Tourist information centre Tolmin

Tourist Farm - Dujčeva Domačija

Tourist Farm - Dujčeva Domačija

TOURIST FARM - DUJČEVA DOMAČIJA - REST ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF KRAS: Space for camping on a farm near the caves, accommodation in the new rooms or apartment, catering services for guests on the farm and homemade specialties for further pre-booked groups, space for picnics and events, interesting tourist offer on the farm and it's surroundings.

Tourist farm Oblak

Tourist farm Oblak

The tourist farm Oblak offers a lot of opportunities for the family, fraternal or hunting trips or just for spending holidays throughout the year. The ideal conditions for the physical preparation of elite and recreational athletes, the animation for the children, youth and adults as well as for organizing business seminars.

Tourist Farm Pri Flandru

Tourist Farm Pri Flandru

Here are forests, gorges, fields and pastures, orchards, here are homesteads and pleasant people. It lies high above the Baška gorge, on the slope of the cumulus Kojca, with a view of the mighty Porezen Mountain.

Turistična kmetija Pr'Ambružarju

Turistična kmetija Pr'Ambružarju

Gorenjska, v tvoje lepote sta se zaljubila že marsikatera duša in srce. Tisti, ki jo ljubijo sonce, lep razgled, mir, čisti zrak in sprehode, gotovo poznajo Ambrož in seveda tudi Krvavec. Naša domačija leži na nadmorski višini 1100 m v vasi Ambrož pod Krvavcem.

Turistična kmetija Žnidarjevi

Turistična kmetija Žnidarjevi

Turistična kmetija Žnidarjevi se nahaja 10 km iz Cerknice v smeri Begunje - Rakitna. Nudijo vam prenočišča in hrano po naročilu. Vas in kmetija ležita na planoti, na 788m nadmorske višine, zato je zelo primerna za ljudi, ki imajo težave s pljuči (astmatike) in predstavlja odlično izhodiščno točko za ogled notranjskih znamenitosti.

Turistično društvo Rateče - Planica

Turistično društvo Rateče - Planica

Turistično društvo Rateče - Planica

Zavod za kulturo, turizem in šport Polzela

Zavod za kulturo, turizem in šport Polzela

Namen in poslanstvo zavoda je zagotavljanje kontinuirane prisotnosti kvalitetnih vsebin s področja kulture, turizma in športa ter učinkovitejša organizacija, razvoj in spodbujanje dejavnosti na omenjenih področjih s ciljem dviga kvalitete življenja v občini in boljše prepoznavnosti Občine Polzela.

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