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Podjetja označena z: hostel

Hostel Pekarna

Hostel Pekarna

Hostel Pekarna is situated on the right bank of the river Drava, right next to Magdalenski park, close to the town centre.

Ana Hostel

Ana Hostel

A likeable little house called Ana Hostel, located in the Ljubljana city centre, invites under its roof travellers from around the world.

Ana Hostel

Ana Hostel

Simpatična hiška v centru Ljubljane, ki se imenuje Ana Hostel, vabi pod svoje okrilje popotnike celega sveta.

Europa Hostel Portorož

Europa Hostel Portorož

Europa hostel Portorož is new hostel in the center of the most popular Slovenian seaside city Portorož. It has 49 beds in 9 rooms.

Gostilna in pizzerija pr`Pristavc

Gostilna in pizzerija pr`Pristavc

Polje 18, 4265 Polje, Bohinj

Gostilna in pizzerija s hostlom in penzionom se nahaja v idilični vasi Polje, 2 km od Bohinjskega jezera.

Hostel 24

Hostel 24

Naša odlična lokacija, prijazno osebje in čiste sobe so razlogi, zakaj smo ena od najvišje ocenjenih hostlov v Ljubljani. Hostel je majhen, ima visoko stopnjo čistoče in prijazno osebje samo čaka, da vas prijazno pozdravi na vratih in nam je v veselje biti del vaše zgodbe, katero boste delili z družino in prijatelji, ko se vrnete domov.

Hostel 24

Hostel 24

Our excellent location, friendly staff and clean rooms are the reasons why we are one of the highly rated hostels in Ljubljana. The hostel is small and humble, has high level of cleanliness and a welcoming staff just waiting to greet you at the door and be part of your story when you tell it to your family and friends.

Hostel Budkovič

Hostel Budkovič

Triglavska cesta 50, 4264 Bohinjska Bistrica

Hiša Budkovič stoji v mestu Bohinjska Bistrca blizu sotočja reke Save in Bistrice. Sama hiša je v preteklosti služila kot skladišče ter trgovina, sedaj pa je prenovljena v lep mestni Hostel.

Hostel je primeren za pohodnike, ki bi si radi privoščili počitek pred nadaljevanjem svoje poti. V hostlu se nahaja tudi velika kuhinja, kjer si lahko vsak pripravi kaj za pod zob. Prav tako pa je
hostel primeren za skupine, ki lahko najamejo tudi celotno hišo.

Hostel Histria Koper

Hostel Histria Koper

Nov hostel v prečudovitem centru Kopra. Poštene cene, super čistoča ter čudovita izbira za vaše počitnice. Pri nas se lahko sprostite, žurate ali spoznate nove prijatelje iz vseh koncev sveta.

Hostel Histria Koper

Hostel Histria Koper

The hostel Histria Koper is located in an old renovated building in the centre of Koper.  A perfectly located, fairly priced, clean and welcoming place to stay where you can relax, party and meet new friends from all around the world.

Hostel Kurent

Hostel Kurent

Osojnikova cesta 9, 2250 Ptuj

Located in Ptuj, an 18-minute walk from Ptuj Thermal Spa, Hostel Kurent features a casino. Boasting an ATM, this property also provides guests with a children's playground. The property provides a shared lounge.

At the hostel, every room has a desk. With a private bathroom, rooms at Hostel Kurent also boast a city view. All rooms have a wardrobe.

Guests at the accommodation will be able to enjoy activities in and around Ptuj, like skiing. 

Hostel Museum Koper

Hostel Museum Koper

Sobe: 2x2 1x3 2x4 1x5 oseb, se nahajajo v centru mesta pri baru Museum, kjer je tudi e - točka. V neposredni bližini se nahaja mestno kopališče. So tudi parkirni prostori in možnost uživanja svežega zraka na terasi.

Hostel Museum Koper

Hostel Museum Koper

2x2 1x3 2x4 1x5(person) rooms are located in the centre of the city near the bar Museum where is also the e – point. Close by there is the town beach. There are also parking places and possibilities of enjoyment of fresh air on the terrace.

Hostel Pekarna

Hostel Pekarna

Hostel Pekarna se nahaja na desnem bregu Drave, ob robu Magdalenskega parka ter v neposredni bližini mestnega jedra.

Hostel Trubarjeva 54

Hostel Trubarjeva 54

Authentic house in the old town of Ljubljana just a few minutes away from all the beauties Ljubljana’s center has to offer. Newly renovated, our hostel offers private colourful rooms , a mixed dorm for 4 and a female dorm for 6.



Hostel je poceni, kvalitetno prenočišče, za krajši ali daljši oddih in odlično pohajkovanje po Savinjski dolini.



The hostel Hostelpluscaffe Petrovče is cheap, good quality accommodation for short or long vacation and a great roam the Savinja Valley.

Hotel Bohinj

Hotel Bohinj

V neposredni bližini Bohinjskega jezera stoji Hotel Bohinj****, obdan z zelenjem in s čudovitim pogledom na gorske vrhove Julijskih Alp.

Koča Suha

Koča Suha

Ribčev laz 19, 4265 Bohinjsko jezero

Koča Suha je primerna za večje skupine oz. zaključene družbe in družine, ki bi radi svoj dopust
preživeli v mirni soseski Triglavskega narodnega parka. Skupno ima koča 22 ležišč v različnih
tipih namestitve.

Kraljev hrib

Kraljev hrib

V osrčju Kamniških alp, nedaleč od nihalke za Veliko planino, se v smeri izvira Kamniške Bistrice nahaja gostišče "Kraljev hrib". Hišica na samem privablja številne obiskovalce, ki si želijo preživeti čudovite trenutke v neokrnjeni naravi zaradi sprehodov, rekreacije, zabave ali samo urico oddiha.

LD Turizem

LD Turizem

Turistična agencija LD Turizem obstaja od leta 2006. Svoje prostore imamo na Bohinjski Bistrici, Mencingerjeva ul. 10. Naša glavna dejavnost je oddajanje turističnih sob in apartmajev v Bohinju.

LD Turizem - Tourist Agency

LD Turizem - Tourist Agency

Accomodations in Bohinj, fishing permits, hiking maps, possible excursions in Bohinj, activities in Bohinj, events in Bohinj, public transport, additional offers.

Mladinski center in hotel Trbovlje

Mladinski center in hotel Trbovlje

Mladinski center Trbovlje je javni zavod, ki ga je leta 2001 ustanovila Občina Trbovlje, za opravljanje mladinskega dela oz. dela z mladimi na območju Občine Trbovlje. Mladinski hotel je namestitveni objekt, ki nudi posteljo, kopalnico, varnost in čistočo po ugodni ceni.

Mladinski hotel Punkl

Mladinski hotel Punkl

The youth hotel PUNKL is formed as an architecturally unique eco-friendly structure in lines with the natural and bio climatic surroundings of the area. The entire structure is made from massive wood and all the materials are in the highest possible amount natural. The hotel can accommodate up to 48 guests and its rooms enable rganized activities for guests and visitors.

Mladinski hotel Punkl

Mladinski hotel Punkl

MLADINSKI HOTEL PUNKL je zasnovan kot arhitekturno samosvoja nizkoenergijska gradnja v skladu z naravnimi in bioklimatskimi danostmi okolice. V celoti je grajen iz masivnega lesa in vsi materiali so v največji možni meri naravni. Namenjen je bivanju največ 48 gostov in s skupnimi prostori omogoča organizacijo aktivnosti tako za goste kot tudi za zunanje obiskovalce.

Pac Sports, Hostel pod Voglom

Pac Sports, Hostel pod Voglom

Hostel pod Voglom z depandanso Rodica stoji na eni najlepših lokacij, na južni obali Bohinjskegajezera, 2 km od Ribčevega Laza in 3 km od spodnje postaje žičnice Vogel. Je primeren kraj zamladinske ali odrasle skupine, pa tudi posameznike, ki jim sproščeno vzdušje, aktivnosti, lepotain mir nadomeščajo popoln komfort modernih hotelov.

Pac Sports, Hostel pod Voglom

Pac Sports, Hostel pod Voglom

Hostel pod Voglom with annex Rodica is situated at one of the most beautiful locations - on the south shore of lake Bohinj, 2 km from Ribcev Laz and 3 km from Ski center Vogel. It is an ideal place for young or adult groups and families and also individuals who are looking for and active vacation with relaxed atmosphere, peace and beauty in contact with nature.

Stara Pošta - Hostel and Camp Jezersko

Stara Pošta - Hostel and Camp Jezersko

Recommended for everyone who loves clean mountain air and a breathtaking view on the 2000 m high mountain peaks. Stara Pošta Camp is an excellent starting point for mountain hiking, fishing, hunting, biking, horse-back riding and climbing.

You are our beloved guest in the heart of the pristine nature, fresh mountain air and unlimited imagination, where soul gets its wings…

Recommended for everyone who loves clean mountain air and a breathtaking view on the 2000 m high mountain peaks. Stara Pošta Camp is an excellent starting point for mountain hiking, fishing, hunting, biking, horse-back riding and climbing.

Fill yourself with energy!

Find your peace of mind and feel the uniqueness of the Jezersko Valley. Here you can enjoy in different adrenalin and other sports activities we organise. After a long day you can relax on the terrace and try delicious local dishes from the neighbouring farm.

What we offer:


-25 tent sites with electric hook-up points

-5 camper sites with electric and water hook-up points and waste water outlets

-grass areas with benches and tables, separate sorting of waste

-free Wi-Fi access

-one sanitary facility with toilets and showers and a separate one with toilets and washing sinks

 -separate parking places for cars  

Hostel –rooms:

 -1 double room

 -3 dorms (4-5 persons per bedroom)

 -multiple bed dorm on the campsite

 -children folding beds

 -shower towels included in the price

 -free Wi-Fi access

 -free use of the computer

 -TV in the common room
Stara Pošta - Hostel in kamp Jezersko

Stara Pošta - Hostel in kamp Jezersko

Priporočamo ljubiteljem čistega gorskega zraka in pomirjujočega razgleda na prelepe 2000 m vršace. Kamp Stara Pošta je idealno izhodišče za gorske ture, pohodništvo, ribolov, lov, kolesarjenje, ježo in plezalne poti.

You are our beloved guest in the heart of the pristine nature, fresh mountain air and unlimited imagination, where soul gets its wings…

Recommended for everyone who loves clean mountain air and a breathtaking view on the 2000 m high mountain peaks. Stara Pošta Camp is an excellent starting point for mountain hiking, fishing, hunting, biking, horse-back riding and climbing.

Fill yourself with energy!

Find your peace of mind and feel the uniqueness of the Jezersko Valley. Here you can enjoy in different adrenalin and other sports activities we organise. After a long day you can relax on the terrace and try delicious local dishes from the neighbouring farm.

What we offer:


-25 tent sites with electric hook-up points

-5 camper sites with electric and water hook-up points and waste water outlets

-grass areas with benches and tables, separate sorting of waste

-free Wi-Fi access

-one sanitary facility with toilets and showers and a separate one with toilets and washing sinks

 -separate parking places for cars  

Hostel –rooms:

 -1 double room

 -3 dorms (4-5 persons per bedroom)

 -multiple bed dorm on the campsite

 -children folding beds

 -shower towels included in the price

 -free Wi-Fi access

 -free use of the computer

 -TV in the common room
TIC Ravne na Koroškem

TIC Ravne na Koroškem

Turistično-informacijski center Ravne na Koroškem

Vila Veselova

Vila Veselova

Hostel Vila Veselova se nahaja v središču Ljubljane, na robu parka Tivoli, v stavbi s tradicionalnimi podrobnostmi, ki je bila nekoč last slavnega slovenskega arhitekta.

Vila Veselova

Vila Veselova

Vila Veselova Hostel is a traditional villa in the center of Ljubljana, designed over 100 year ago by the architect Ciril Metod Koch. Villa represents the soul of Ljubljana - modern but traditionally charming.

Youth Hostel Novo mesto

Youth Hostel Novo mesto

Dijaški in študentski dom Novo mesto se nahaja le nekaj minut iz mestnega jedra ter 800m od avtobusne in železniške postaje. Leži v prijetnem in mirnem okolju. V času počitnic in ostalih pouka prostih dni odpremo svoja vrata tako organiziranim skupinam kot individualnim gostom.

Youth Hostel Novo mesto

Youth Hostel Novo mesto

Dijaški in študentski dom Novo mesto is located twenty minutes by foot from the city center and 800 m from a bus and a railway station. It is situated in a pleasant and peaceful environment.

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