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Exotic cuisine

Exotic cousines from our home places often become the part of our everydaylife. It is nothing unusual if we start to miss them on travel. We are trying to present you selection of classic exotic restourants, typical in the Western civilization and also some of specific ones, that can't be found everywhere.

Celje (1)

Kamnik (2)

Koper (2)

Ljubljana (13)

Piran (1)

Abi Falafel

Abi Falafel

V osrčju Ljubljane je prijetna, v orientalskem slogu opremljena okrepčevalnica Falafel. Prvi lokal s tipično arabsko hrano v Slovenji vodi družina Shaar. Znani so po veliki ljubezni do kuhanja, saj so njihove jedi osvojile marsikatero gurmansko srce.

Azijska restavracija Han

Azijska restavracija Han

V centru Ljubljane, v edinstvenem ambientu z odlično hrano in pestro izbiro vin, se nahaja Azijska restavracija Han.

Balkan Express

Balkan Express

Restavracija z kulinarično ponudbo republik bivše države Jugoslavije. Jedi so pripravljene po izvirnih receptih in najbolj kakovostnega mesa. Začutite pridih balkanske kulinarike v največjem nakupovalnem centru Slovenije - Citypark.

Casa Nostromo

Casa Nostromo

Ko si boste na obali zeželeli prefinjene tradicionalne istrske pojedine, priporočamo, da si rezervirate mizo v piranski restavraciji Casa Nostromo, kjer bodo več kot zadovoljili še najbolj zahtevne gurmane.

Chada - Thai Restaurant & Bar

Chada - Thai Restaurant & Bar

We invite you to experience a traditionally prepared meal that is truly delicious.

Govinda's vegetarian restaurant

Govinda's vegetarian restaurant

Vegetarian self-service restaurant.

Hotel, Restaurant Triglav

Hotel, Restaurant Triglav

Terme Dobrna is an atractive destination in this green jewel. But from there there are many possibilities in every direction to actively seek new experience, treasures from the past, views to rest your eyes, and yourself. The Triglav hotel for a cozy rest and well-being. the Triglav Inn for your soul and stomac.

Imperio Mexicano

Imperio Mexicano

Mehika je dežela številnih obrazov, dežela nasprotij in najrazličnejših kultur. Edinstvena igra narave, ki nikogar ne pusti ravnodušnega. Ob doživetju Mehike človeku zagotovo zastane dih.

Indian restaurat Namasté

Indian restaurat Namasté

At Namaste we offer the culinary specialties of the Great Moghul cuisine of Northern India, mainly from the states of Rajhastan and Punjab.

JB Restaurant

JB Restaurant

JB Restaurant in downtown Ljubljana, Slovenia, is S.Pellegrino's Top 100 World's Best Restaurant. It’s the closest interpretation of a sophisticated pallet you'll ever experience in this region. Welcome to the world of culinary art of world renowned chef Janez Bratovz.

Kitajska restavracija Beli labod 2

Kitajska restavracija Beli labod 2

Vabljeni v našo restavracijo kjer vam zagotavljamo prijeten ambient. Poskrbeli bomo za vas in vašo družino tudi v ločenem separeju. Hrana pripravljena v restavraciji, kjer vlada dobro počutje in kjer vas postrežejo prijazni ljudje v prijetnem okolju, je za človeka nadvse pomembna.

Kitajska restavracija Hong Kong 2

Kitajska restavracija Hong Kong 2

Nova kitajska restavracija z velikim parkiriščem se razprostira na kar 400m2 s 130 sedeži in dodatnimi 70 sedeži na letnem vrtu. Razkošno opremljena restavracija ima veliko glavno jedilnico, ki se jo da prilagoditi večjim družbam in različnim praznovanjem.

Kitajska restvaracija Cesarska hiša

Kitajska restvaracija Cesarska hiša

Vabljeni v našo cesarsko hišo, na lep razgled na Škocjanski zatok in veliko izbiro novih okusov.

Le Petit Café & Restaurant

Le Petit Café & Restaurant

Elegant café, a romantic garden, freshly baked croissants and chansons will conjure up a real french atmosphere.

Majolka Restaurant Cafe Gallery

Majolka Restaurant Cafe Gallery

The restaurant offers you the chance to relax and enjoy a friendly and homely ambient with excellent cuisine. On warm sunny days, you can sit in the garden and enjoy the Sun's rays, or you can hide away in the shade of the atrium surrounded by greenery and flowers.

Mexican Restaurant Saloon

Mexican Restaurant Saloon

Surely there is no-one living in Carinthia region, who has not heard of the Mexican restaurant Saloon. The restaurant is known for its excellent culinary offer, truly huge portions and friendly staff, as well as true Wild West ambiance with a touch of Mexican temperament.

Restaurant Na Gradu

Restaurant Na Gradu

Once upon a time, only aristocrats were able to indulge their taste buds inside the castle walls. Now there is a restaurant for everyone, a restaurant offering traditional Slovenian dishes.

Restavracija Merak

Restavracija Merak

Sarajevska restavracija

Okusite Sarajevo v Ljubljani!

Rodizio do Brasil

Rodizio do Brasil

Prva brazilska restavracija

Prvo brazilska restavracija v Sloveniji, kjer brazilski chef na pristnem churrasco žaru na oglje pripravlja le najboljše brazilske specialitete.

Sisters Kurtoš

Sisters Kurtoš

Breg 4, Ljubljana, Slovenija


In the heart of city center of Ljubljana, right next to the famous river Ljubljanica, you can find bakery
named Sisters Kurtoš. As you can tell by the name of the bakery, it is run by two sisters called Špela
and Maša.
In the bakery they offer kurtoš. This is traditional Hungarian pastry called kürtőskalács and it is made
out of yeast dough. The first one ever made was in Transylvania.
They brought world famous pastry right in the heart of Slovenia just for you, to try out this crispy and
shiny crust and fluffy insides of kurtoš.
They really thought about their offer so everyone can find something for their taste. The classic
sweet version of Kurtoš was upgraded in cold and salty version. The cold one is filled with ice cream
and with the salty one, you can choose from different vegetables and main ingredients.
The pastry is made out of traditional recipe and of course a great measure of love by sisters Špela
and Maša. And this is the main reason why this pastry is even more delicious.
Little hint: Every month they also offer »special« kurtoš.


TLOFT - azijska restavracija

TLOFT - azijska restavracija

Asian restaurant, teahouse and coffee house.

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