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Municipality of Kamnik is located in the northern part of central Slovenia, in the transition between Gorenjska levels and Celje basin, at the foot of the Kamniško - Savinjske Alps and not far from the capital Ljubljana. The medieval town of Kamnik is the center of the county and the city is rich in history and cultural heritage, a city with a soul. Number of cultural and other events enrich the old city center all year round and attract visitors from all over Slovenia.The city and its surroundings offer many opportunities for recreation and sports activities, enabling more enjoyable leisure time. Vast forests in the vicinity produce enough clean air and also act as a wonderful environment for recreation and relaxation.

Kitajska restavracija Hong Kong 2

Kitajska restavracija Hong Kong 2

Nova kitajska restavracija z velikim parkiriščem se razprostira na kar 400m2 s 130 sedeži in dodatnimi 70 sedeži na letnem vrtu. Razkošno opremljena restavracija ima veliko glavno jedilnico, ki se jo da prilagoditi večjim družbam in različnim praznovanjem.

Majolka Restaurant Cafe Gallery

Majolka Restaurant Cafe Gallery

The restaurant offers you the chance to relax and enjoy a friendly and homely ambient with excellent cuisine. On warm sunny days, you can sit in the garden and enjoy the Sun's rays, or you can hide away in the shade of the atrium surrounded by greenery and flowers.

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