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Podjetja označena z: karst

Green Karst

Green Karst

There is a nook where nature really did its best. 

Karst museum

Karst museum

Predjama treasure tells a story about social life, which took place near a candle-lit table full of food and drinks.
The Škocjan Caves Regional Park

The Škocjan Caves Regional Park

The Skocjan Caves, with the vastness of their underground halls and gorges, hold a special place among the seven thousand caves in Slovenia. They comprise a network of eleven caves, with hollows, swallow holes, natural bridges among them many geological features. Because of their unique natural features and cultural heritage they have been on the UNESCO world heritage list since 1986.

Tourist Farm - Dujčeva Domačija

Tourist Farm - Dujčeva Domačija

TOURIST FARM - DUJČEVA DOMAČIJA - REST ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF KRAS: Space for camping on a farm near the caves, accommodation in the new rooms or apartment, catering services for guests on the farm and homemade specialties for further pre-booked groups, space for picnics and events, interesting tourist offer on the farm and it's surroundings.

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