Restaurant and Pizzeria Nibi

Sinja Gorica 109, Vrhnika


+386 1 755 35 09

Restaurant and pizzeria Nibi is a family business for more than twenty years. Family Basic is dedicated to their customers and business for all this years.

They are trying to keep authenticity and quality of their products. They are very well known about good homemade food, pot meals (minestrone soups, stews, been soup, "jota", etc.), seasonal meals (sausages, black pudding, smoked ribs, etc.), and vegetable dishes.

In their kitchen they are using only Slovenian products (meat anvegetables from local farmers). They are well known about grilled meals, roasted lamb, roasted pigleton open fire, and delicious squid. There are also various A la carte dishes. Every day they offer at least three different types of breakfast and more than ten different lunch menus, for a valuable price.

Their offer includes:

  • breakfast
  • lunch
  • A la carte menu
  • grilled meals
  • open fire meals
  • fishes and squids in many variances
  • pastas
  • pizzas

Restaurant Nibi is located on Trzaska street, two kilometers to Vrhnika, way from Ljubljana. Restaurant is able to fit 175 customers, 125 indoor and 50 in beer garden.



  • E-Mail: info@nibi.siTa e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Za ogled potrebujete Javascript, da si jo ogledate.
  • Fax: +386 1 7505 940; +386 41 764 206


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