ZOO Ljubljana

Večna pot 70 , 1000, Ljubljana


+386 1 2442 188

At Ljubljana Zoo you can observe native animals as well as animals from all over the world in the natural habitat of the regional park Tivoli - Rožnik - Šišenski hrib. Here we are organizing a multitude of different “Adventures with animals”, where you get the chance to pet some of them, while observing others during our guided and very informative tours. Don't miss feeding the sea lion, elephant, bear and other animals, which are being fed at regular hours. You can grab a bite to eat and recharge your batteries at the zoo café; then you will be ready to visit the upper part of the zoo, where the native animals are being kept. Purchase a yearly ticket and you can watch the happenings at the zoo every day.

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  • Fax: +386 1 2442 185


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