Trampolin park WOOP!

Leskoškova cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana


00 386 (0) 30 334 443

WOOP! trampoline park is much more then area with more than 100 trampolines and other exciting activities.

WOOP! is something that can move you from your comfort zone, a place where you can go beyond
your physical and psychical limits. It moves you and fills you with freedom, energy and adrenalin.
WOOP! is a place for the whole family. There is something for everybody to enjoy fun in the air. It is
suitable for first time jumpers as well as those who want to become masters of trampoline. WOOP! is
also a home of a world famous acrobatic group Dunking Devils.

There you will find:
- Freestyle jump
- SkySlam
- Ultimate dodgeball
- Foam Zone
- Gladiator battle
- Slackline
- Trampwall
- Airbag
- Gaming Zone
- Freeclimb
- Kids' corner

KOLAZ woop



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