The Domžale Straw Hat Museum

Kajuhova cesta 5, Domžale


+386 1 724 84 08 | +386 1 722 50 50

About The Domžale Straw Hat Museum

The Straw Hat Museum collects, safeguards, and researches the heritage of straw hatmaking and presents it to the public. A permanent exhibition on the first floor takes us
through the history of straw plaiting and straw hat sewing in Europe, and particularly in Domžale and its surrounding areas. It tells us stories about people – the domestic and
foreign factory owners who had a major influence on the life of the local people, and the plaiters, sewers, finishers, pressers, and foundry workers who earned their living by working in the factories at home or in different European and American cities. Visitors to the museum become acquainted with the processes of straw plaiting and straw hat making, as well as with the tools and equipment they used. A rich collection of straw hats is also on display – from simple ones used for work in the fields to fine ladies’ straw hats. The collection presents the different types, colours, materials and patterns of plaits from which the sewers made straw hats. Visitors may even try on certain models of hats.

On the ground floor there is a room for temporary exhibits and events, as well as the
museum shop. For groups booked in advance it is possible to organise a presentation of
straw hat sewing and straw plaiting (subject to an additional fee). Every year in June, a Straw
Hat Fair is organised as a single day event aimed at getting together and learning about the
straw hat heritage. Different events such as talks, concerts and gatherings are organised as

Domžale Straw Hat Museum
300 Years of Straw Hat Making in Slovenia
A Permanent Exhibition

Guided visits with a presentation of straw plaiting and straw hat sewing
Themed guidance with experiential and creative workshops for school groups
Museum shop offering straw hats and other souvenirs
Guided tours on the thematic path A Walk around the Straw Hat Factories of Domžale

Franc Bernik Cultural Centre Domžale
Domžale Straw Hat Museum
Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday 10:00 – 12:00 and 17:00 – 19:00; Saturdays from 10:00 – 12:00
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and Holidays (open hours can be adjusted for groups notifying
us in advance). Entrance fee.

T 00386 (0)1 724 84 08 (during opening hours), 000386 (0)1 722 50 50

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