Restaurant Park

Župančičeva 21, 6330 Piran


+386 59 921 751 or +386 70 818 716

Restaurant Park is located in the center of Piran, and at the same time out of mainstream, on exceptionally pretty and peaceful location only 20 meters from main road / marine and ca. 50 meters from main bus station.

There's a very attractive rustic park with trees and water fountain between the main road and our restaurant, a great place to rest in a cool shade, and kids will love it.

We offer simple and tasty mediteranean, Italian, Yugoslavian and other food, drinks, and you'll experience our huge portions and friendly prices.

We also received excellent reviews on the Internet.

You won't leave hungry, neither with empty wallet. You're very welcome!

Opening hours: every day from 11.00 do 22.00.

PS: Also, if you're looking for apartments to rent, just ask us.

PARK kolaz poi 1


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