Restaurant and Cafe Park

Cesta svobode 15, 4260 Bled


+386 (0)4 579 18 18

Lunch, dinner or just a cream slice

The Park Restaurant and Cafe is situated on the shore of Lake Bled and boasts a large terrace where lunch and dinner is served with a view of Lake Bled and the surrounding Alps. The cafe is popular with the many day visitors who just come "to Bled for a Bled Cream Cake".

The home of the original Bled cream cake

While the restaurant offers a wide variety of dishes, its speciality is undoubtedly the original Bled cream cake. Although it is possible to order the original Bled cream cake in any other Sava Hotels & Resorts restaurant or cafe, the Park Restaurant and Cafe is the birthplace of this symbol of Bled cuisine. Even today, they continue to make the cream slice following the original recipe, which has not changed in decades.

Opening hours: every day from 9:00 to 22:00



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  • Fax: +386 (0)4 579 18 01


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