Jadranka Campsite

Polje 8, 6310 Izola, Country Slovenija


+386 (0)5 640 23 00 or/and +386 (0)41 724 230

Jadranka Campsite is located in Izola, along the way towards Capodistria. It operates all year. There is a restaurant known for its specialities, during the tourist season a grocery shop is open as well.

Campsite lies in the very near of the beach, just a small step from a refreshing jump into the sea. It is neat and tidy and has sanitation facilities. During the summer there are many music events nearby that add to the atmosphere of the summer nights.



  • E-Mail: Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Za ogled potrebujete Javascript, da si jo ogledate.
  • Fax: +386 (0)5 909 55 40


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