Velika Planina

Kamniška Bistrica 2, Stahovica


+386 1 832 72 59

Nearby Ljubljana and only few kilometres from the town Kamnik is located the bottom station of the cable car to Velika planina, which takes you amongst the green pastures of the mountain plateau in the heart of the Kamnik Alps.

We recommend that you walk to the herdsmen's settlement and feel the simple way of the herdsmen's life, taste their dairy products and admire the unique architecture of the cottages which define Velika planina. To those, who are more active, the mountain offers ideal possibilities for hiking and variousmountain-cycling tours.

Beside skiing we suggest you spending your free time on the snow sledging, walking, hiking, cross-country skiing or romantic walking on the snowshoes.

You are invited to the children skilift Jurcek, where there are various toys available every day, there is a snow merry-go-round and a free kindergarden on the snow on Saturdays and Sundays.

There is nothing more beautiful but the blue sky, snowy trees and roofs of the mountain huts, creaking snow under your feet. You are invited to indulge in fresh air in the true winter idyl. 

VelikaPlanina slika


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  • Fax: +386 1 832 72 62


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