Memorial House of Ivan Cankar

Tržaška cesta 9, Vrhnika


+386 1 755 10 54

Memorial House of Ivan Cankar is standing on a hill in the middle of Vrhnika city center. The current house was built in 1883 on the ruins of Cankar birthplace, which burnt down in the great fire in 1879. They only remain was the wall clock. In 1948 they began the renovation.

The current house is somewhat larger and has a different layout of the facility as the original house. The entrance of the building is through a black kitchen. The house is also tailors' workshop (Cankarjev father was a tailor).

The house is furnished with items that have been returned from other museums. On display is a collection of objects, showing the living conditions of the poorer families at the end of the 18th and early 19 century.




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