Pod vrbo

Gostinsko podjetje vič, d.d., Ziherlova ulica 36, 1000 Ljubljana


+386 (0)1 280 88 92 ali +386 (0)41 712 806

Our in Pod vrbo (Under willow) is old Trnovo's inn with respectable tradition. Lies in the center of Ljubljana near famous Trnovo's Church. It has been recently renovated into a nice bar and restaurant with a touch of home by the fireplace or in summer on the big beautiful shady garden. Let us serve you taste of local cuisine and dishes brought from surrounding provinces. Of course, we will offer you an excellent Slovenian wines. Allow yourself to experience the richness of flavors.

Restaurant offers:

Light meals, lunches, a la carte menue, special lunches for private parties...

From our menu:

  • Two kinds of fresh homemade bread
  • Veal stew
  • Cheese and potatoe "Štruklji"
  • Homemade gnocchi
  • Deer medaillons
  • Fried chicken
  • Stuffed courgettes
  • Lamb
  • Different kinds of fruit strudels
  • Pear "Vrba"

and many other dishes prepared to convince you of our quality.


  • dining room with real fireplace and cozy
  • summer nice and cool shady garden
  • Our own bread

Daily fresh light meals and lunches.
Always the best choice.



  • E-Mail: gostilna@podvrbo.siTa e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Za ogled potrebujete Javascript, da si jo ogledate.
  • Fax: +386 (0)1 242 08 34


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