Parlament Pub

Šubičeva ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana


+386 (0)1 251 32 43

Knowing neither whether it’s a café or a bar, this peculiar oddity with its books on the shelves, shady characters and (you’ve guessed it) students is nonetheless a popular stop for the heavy drinking younger crowd.

Known for cheap beer and cocktails (with three of the latter had for the price of two), and lively international parties almost every night, it's a great place to both start or end an evening out.

The entrance and terrace are at the back side of the building on Plečnikov Trg.

Mon-Sat: 6:00-4:00
Sunday: 16:00-0:00



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POI je turistično-informacijski zemljevid, ki ga lahko dobite na večih turističnih točkah po Sloveniji.

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