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Ravne na Koroškem


Ravne na Koroškem is the largest city in Carinthia. It is a city of iron-workers, Forma Viva steel sculptures and literary treasures. A rich selection of books and documents in Carinthia central library testifies to regions cultural growth, while interesting museum collections show the history of iron. On Preški summit above Kotlje, Prežihova cottage keeps alive the memory of celebrated Carinthian author Lovro Kuhar - Prežihov Voranc. Under mountain Uršlja a beautiful Ivarčko lake invites you in the summer time, and in winter you can enjoy the snow-covered slopes of the ski area Poseka. The town has a modern sports center with meeting rooms, Olympic indoor swimming pool, athletic stadium, ski resort, sauna, fitness and many playgrounds.



Regional Cultural Youth Centre

The Regional Cultural Youth Centre Kompleks is the result of years of KKŠ effort to create a continuous cultural and entertainment program in the province of Carinthia.

Restavracija, pizzerija, slaščičarna, kavarna in biljardnica Paprika

Restavracija, pizzerija, slaščičarna, kavarna in biljardnica Paprika

PAPRIKA vse v enem, tako restavracija, pizzerija, slaščičarna, kavarna in biljardnica, vabita vsak dan v tednu, 365 dni v letu, v vsakem vremenu...

Šport Ravne

Šport Ravne


Športni park Ravne na Koroškem je vpet v naravno okolje mesta in Mežiške doline, med Peco in Uršljo goro, v okolje, ki nudi izjemne možnosti za aktivno preživljanje prostega časa in predstavlja lepo izhodišče za izlete v naravo.

The Carinthian students club

The Carinthian students club

The Carinthian students club (hereinafter referred as KKS) is the umbrella student organization of the Carinthian region, and one of the oldest clubs in Slovenia.

TRC Ivarčko Lake

TRC Ivarčko Lake

Found yourself not knowing how to best spend your time? We suggest you spend your time actively, surrounded by beautiful nature! At tourist recreation center TRC Ivarčko lake we offer many opportunities for fun and recreation.

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