Limo Slovenia

Kunaverjeva 9, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija


+386 (0)40 88 77 66

More than twenty years of experience in tourism, private car hire and ground transportation industry. A simple airport transfer or a dedicated car charter for the day requires a professional approach with full support from a team you can trust.

Individual travellers and families have used our services during holidays. Many of them have been with us for years. We have managed to develop a keen sense of what is right and how it should be done. That is why we believe that a chauffeured service should be reliable, efficient, and comprehensive, yet simple.

Let us take this opportunity to welcome you to our company and express our hope that you found what you are looking for.



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POI je turistično-informacijski zemljevid, ki ga lahko dobite na večih turističnih točkah po Sloveniji.

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