Bistra hotel and restaurant***

Bistra 2, 1353 Borovnica


Bistra hotel and restaurant lies right across the entrance of the biggest technical museum in Slovenia and it is only 25 km away from Ljubljana, in the middle between Vrhnika and Borovnica.


slika 8  slika 7  slika 4
slika 6  slika 5  slika 3
T: + 386 (0)1 750 57 42, M: + 386 (0) 31 336 644

The entanglement between tradition and modernity is drawn all over the inside of the restaurant and the hotel. Our domestic cooking is much flavoured and always seasoned with the right amount of modern recipes.

We are cooking with taste for the best and a lot of love, adding the scent of the season and the ingredients from the local area. On our house board we offer: homemade venison salami, domestic liver pate, fresh cottage cheese with herbs, goat cheese and our own baked bread.

We love to serve you "our" breakfast, where domestic ingredients come together with the local production.


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