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Podjetja označena z: rafting

Adventure Rafting Bled

Adventure Rafting Bled

Okolica Bleda s svojimi naravnimi danostmi ponuja neomejene možnosti za preživljanje aktivnih počitnic, od sprehodov, gorništva, kolesarjenja, raftinga in še bi lahko naštevali.

Adventure Rafting Bled

Adventure Rafting Bled

Bled with its natural attributes, offers unlimited opportunities for an active holiday, from hiking, mountaineering, biking, rafting and much more.



Trg golobarskih žrtev 20, 5230 Bovec

Alpe Šport Vančar vam ponuja doživetja in možnosti nepozabnih zgodb v dolini Soče.

Altitude Activities Bled

Altitude Activities Bled

Ljubljanska cesta 1, 4260 Bled

Want to experience Slovenia in a truly unforgettable way?


Make the most of your vacation and experience what you always wanted to feel - free, alive and out of your comfort zone. Meet Mato and Jerry - twin brothers that started their sport career as 5 year old boys. First as climbers, later as ice climbers and finally as skydivers and wing-suite pilots. Join them and their enthusiastic team of young licensed, professional guides and say yes to new adventures!


Camp Liza

Camp Liza

Among high peaks and green pastures lies the Bovec Valley, through which the wonderful, emerald-green Soča River, into which the clear and wild Koritnica River flows, blazes its way. Not far, only 200 m from the confluence of these rivers, is the location of our LIZA Camping Site. This is our second home, say numerous visitors who return to this beautiful part of our country year after year.

ECO Camp Koren

ECO Camp Koren

On the extraordinary location, on the terraces covered with forest, directly above the river Soča, there lies one of the most beautiful camps in the Soča Valley which measures approximately 4000 square meters in size.

EKO Kamp Koren

EKO Kamp Koren

Na izjemno lepi lokaciji, na gozdnatih terasah neposredno nad reko Sočo, se na okoli 4000 kvadratnih metrih razteza eden najlepših kampov v Soški dolini.

Fun Turist

Fun Turist

Rafting is a story that combine pure adventure and glorious nature. They say it`s a journey full of new discoveries. Discoveries that you should share it with your family or friends. During the entire 2h trip our experienced guides will entertain you with variety of exciting games to make this adventure a perfect story to tell

Kamp Liza

Kamp Liza

Med visokimi vršaci in zelenimi planinami leži Bovška kotlina po kateri si utira pot čudovita reka, smaragdna Soča, v katero se izliva bistra in divja Koritnica. Nedaleč, komaj 200 m od sotočja se nahaja naš Kamp LIZA. To je naš drugi dom, pravijo številni gostje, ki se vračajo leto za letom v ta lepi kotiček naše dežele.

Ribniško Pohorje

Ribniško Pohorje

Ribniško Pohorje je živahno, zimsko in poletno počitniško središče. 

TinaRaft rafting center

TinaRaft rafting center

Rafting Do you want to experience something new, exciting, with a sense of adventure? If the answer is yes, you will choose RAFTING. You will be traveling downriver in a special designed raft steered by a professional guide. A group of between 6 and 8 people will assist the guide by padding the boat. The rewards of rafting are many, it is easy to learn and to master the white waters, it gives you excitement and real sporting enjoyment.

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