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Portorož is a fashionable point of Slovenian Coast. It was recognized as an early spa center as early as in 13th century. It’s touristic tradition was developed through centuries and different eras to the nowadays, when it can offer an excellent infrastructure, beautiful beach and the position of business center, where between different groups of people, something is always happening. The mass development of tourism started at the end of 19th century and preserved it’s manners and care for guests to the modern times. Along with many activities, standard for tourist places there is also a nature park Sečoveljske soline, which opens a scenic view on tradition of producing salt and a historical fate of town, which has grown up on it’s basis. Portorož is a place for swimming, partying, creating and an ideal starting point for researching attractions of Slovenian coast.



Oštarija je restavracija v središču Portoroža med promenado in plažo, pod okriljem družinske tradicije Tomi. Slovijo po mediteranskih in istrskih jedeh, pripravljenih izključno po domačih receptih ter s sestavinami z geografskim poreklom.

Restaurant Tomi

Restaurant Tomi

Visit us in the pleasant surroundings directly above Portorož and enjoy the great view over the bay of Portorož from our terrace. Taste a wide variety of selected local and sea specialties in the Gostilna Tomi, member of Gostilna Slovenija group.

Restavracija Boem

Restavracija Boem

Na čudoviti razgledni točki slovenske obale, Belem križu, boste našli restavracijo z več kot štiridesetletno tradicijo. Prijeten in miren kotiček proč od obalnega vrveža je idealen za uživanje v kulinaričnih dobrotah Slovenske Istre, Krasa in Primorja.

Ribja kantina Santalucija

Ribja kantina Santalucija

Za vse ljubitelje morskih sadežev poskrbijo v kantini Santalucija s svežimi ribami, običajno iz Istre, ter z mediteransko kuhinjo za vse okuse.

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