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Slovenian cuisine

Slovenian cuisine slika

Slovenia, though small in size, has a wide range of traditional dishes. They can vary quite widely, as they derive from various culinary traditions, that have, through centuries, been shaped by factors, such as location of regions and their climatic conditions, cultural diversity and variety of folk traditions, historic divide between urban and rural life, and let us not forget significant effects of historical events and culinary influences of bordering countries. Thus,traditional Slovenian cuisine in south can be influenced by Italian cuisine, in north one can taste impact of Austria, in east Croatia and in north-east Hungary.

Regardless of many factors that helped shape diverse tastes of traditional Slovenian dishes, Slovenian cuisine throughout history managed to shape its own distinctive personality, within which even most gourmet eater will be able to find something to pamper their taste buds.

Borovnica (1)

Celje (8)

Bled (1)

Bohinj (1)

Kamnik (8)

Ljubljana (10)

Maribor (2)

Portorož (2)

Prevalje (2)

Idrija (3)

Gorje (1)

Jezersko (2)

Cerkno (4)

Občina Štore

Občina Štore

Občina Štore se razprostira na 28,1 km2, na pretežno gričevnatem območju ob reki Voglajni, na vzhodnem robu Celjske kotline. Občina šteje približno 4.144 prebivalcev, ki živijo v 12 naseljih.

Agrotourism Pr'Dovar

Agrotourism Pr'Dovar

The tourist farm pr'Dovar boasts a location at the doorstep of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. We offer house specialties such as homemade bread baked in a bread oven, cottage cheese dumplings, various kinds of potica (cake baked from raised dough with walnut, raisin or other filling), etc. The rooms are furnished in natural materials to create a cosy atmosphere.

BIO Tourist Farm Makek

BIO Tourist Farm Makek

Organic Farm Makek is located in a romantic alpine valley, 960 m. above the see, where in the ice age 20,000 years ago a mighty glacier of Mountain Makek Kočna stretched its long ice tongue and shaped our present landscape.

Discover Brežice

Discover Brežice

A junction of different worlds

Dom na Kisovcu (1275 m)

Dom na Kisovcu (1275 m)

Dom na Kisovcu je odlična turistična točka, primerna za vse člane družine. Ob vsakem letnem času vam nudimo obilo odlične hrane, pijače in zabave. Točka je zelo primerna tudi za otroke, saj nudimo veliko zanimivosti.

Dom na Svetini

Dom na Svetini

V domu vam, razen ob ponedeljkih, postrežemo z vedno svežo in okusno hrano. Po želji pa vas ob prijetnih večerih na zaključkih preseneti tudi kakšen priznan ansambel. Dom na Svetini vam ponuja popolno doživetje.

Domača kuhn'a Bono

Domača kuhn'a Bono

Samopostrežna restavracija v centru Ljubljane s slovensko domačo hrano, ugodnimi cenami in možnostjo da vzamete hrano za s sabo.

Self service restaurant in center of city Ljubljana with slovenian home cooking food, awesome prices and take away.

Domžalski dom na Mali planini

Domžalski dom na Mali planini

Dom stoji na malo nižjem delu planote, imenovane Mala planina, ki se nahaja v bližini starega pastirskega naselja. Dom so zgradili domžalski planinci in ga odprli 9. avgusta leta 1953.

Druga violina

Druga violina

Good locally grown produce, a simple short menu of Slovene classics, top location in the city's old town.

Ecohotel - Farm Koroš

Ecohotel - Farm Koroš

Since 1995, our family has been running the first Mountain Bike Hotel in Slovenia. The old hotel (Club Krnes) was situated in the middle of a small town. For the last few years we have been dreaming of a location with good views, somewhere in the countryside.

Erlah Guesthouse

Erlah Guesthouse

The guest-house prides upon quality kitchen. They are well-known for the Slovene traditional food. They also offer a home speciality - fresh trouts from the home-tank and good Slovene open wines. There are five double rooms, one three-bedded room and one apartment in the house.

Gašperin Hotel

Gašperin Hotel

Looking for hotels in Bohinj? Our hotel has 24 rooms and appartments, most with balcony, with mountain or forest view, all with en-suite bathrooms, hair-dryers, satellite TV, fridges and free unlimited WIFI in all areas of the Hotel.

Gostilna in Pizzeria Pr´Gantari

Gostilna in Pizzeria Pr´Gantari

Gostinstvo Gantar, Marko Gantar s.p.

Ponujamo tople in hladne predjedi, zrezke na tak in drugačen način s prilogo po vaši želji. Še posebej priporočamo ročno izdelane idrijske žlikrofe. Ljubitelji pic pri nas lahko izbirajo med odličnimi picami, kot so kraška, domača, grška, vražja ter druge.

Gostilna in Pizzerija Pr Štruklu

Gostilna in Pizzerija Pr Štruklu

Gostilna in pizzerija Pr Štruklu se nahaja v centru Cerkna, v bližini muzeja, pošte in občine.

Gostilna Krebs

Gostilna Krebs

Gostilna in Pizzeria KREBS je gostilna z dolgoletno tradicijo. Nahaja se v središču MEŽICE ( na Koroškem ). Od glavne ceste smo oddaljeni le 100 metrov. Imamo večji parkirni prostor, kjer lahko parkirajo tudi avtobusi.

Gostilna pod Krvavcem

Gostilna pod Krvavcem

Za naš pester jedilnik je poskrbela idilična okolica. Poleg značilnih slovenskih jedi, vam v potoku nalovimo postrvi, ki so naša kulinarična posebnost, saj vam jih pripravimo na več kot petnajst različnih okusov. Ali pa vas vedno znova premamijo mesne specialitete.

Gostilna pri Čibru

Gostilna pri Čibru

Gostilna pri Čibru se nahaja v Tuhinjski dolini, v neposredni bližini term Snovik. Postrežemo vam z okusno domačo hrano. V dvorani in letnem vrtu sprejmemo do 180 ljudi.

Gostilna Pri Gorjancu

Gostilna Pri Gorjancu

Samo nekaj minut iz centra Ljubljane, ob robu gozda in travnikov, vam v Gostilni Gorjanc izjemne gurmanske užitke pričara gostoljubno osebje, prijeten ambient in kulinarične specialitete s tradicijo.

Gostilna Privošnik

Gostilna Privošnik

Ob stari cesti Dunaj - Trst stoji v Šempetru stara furmanska gostilna Privošnik. Gostilna slovi po posebno ohlajenem pivu in po domačem narezku.

Gostilna PR’ JAGRU – Zatrnik

Gostilna PR’ JAGRU – Zatrnik

V prijetnem okolju nedaleč od Zgornjih Gorij – na Zatrniku, vas osebje Gostišča Pr`Jagru vabi na prijetno druženje, kjer lahko poizkusite slovenske jedi: enolončnice, kmečki krožnik, divjačinske jedi, odojek, jedi z žara, ajdove žgance, štruklje in domači kruh.

Gostilna Repnik

Gostilna Repnik

Gostilna Repnik je družinska gostilna z mnogoletno tradicijo, saj se je gostilniška dejavnost prenesla že na tretjo generacijo. Poleg klasične ponudbe, nudijo jedi, ki jih pripravljajo na tradicionalen način, z odličnimi domačimi sladicami in s posebnim izborom vrhunskih vin.

Gostišče Herman

Gostišče Herman

Gostišče HERMAN stoji ob reki Dravi, in pod gradom Borl, ki dopolnjuje idilično podobo vasi. Navdušeni boste nad dobro hrano in prijetnim ambientom. Gostišče je primerno tako za mirne družinske obede, kot za zaključene večje družbe, ki se rade poveselijo pozno v noč.

Gostišče Kapušin

Gostišče Kapušin

Dobre gostilne so od nekdaj ponos družine, kraja, vasi, mesta in države. Tako smo lahko Belokranjci so ponosni na Kapušinovo gostišče na Krasincu. Zelo se je uveljavila, ponuja vrhunsko kulinariko, ima bogato ponudbo uveljavljenih belokranjskih in slovenskih vin ter someljejsko strežbo.

Green Karst

Green Karst

There is a nook where nature really did its best. 

Haler Homestead Olimje

Haler Homestead Olimje

Homestead Haler offers home-made beer which they brew in their micro brewery. Together with good beer and delicious home-made wine, their renovated restaurant also offers a wide choice of meals. Homestead Haler also offers accommodation for an affordable price.

Hiša kulinarike Manna

Hiša kulinarike Manna

»Posvečena tla za uživanje dobrega,« slišimo naše goste govoriti. Radi jim prisluhnemo, radi poslušamo dobre zgodbe. Stari ljudje vedo za legendo, ki pravi, da si po stotih letih tudi bogovi zapomnijo prostor dobre kuhinje. In ga vzamejo za svojega. Tu, kjer danes stoji Manna, kuhamo že več kot sto let. Skoraj dvakrat sto.

Holiday Village Pristava

Holiday Village Pristava

Turistična Vas Pristava (The Holiday Village Pristava) is composed of four farms. They offer you agricultural and other products that can be enjoyed on unique locations near the woods or elsewhere on our beautiful plateau.

Hotel in vinoteka San Martin

Hotel in vinoteka San Martin

Hotel se nahaja na robu starega mestnega jedra Šmartna, tako boste imeli odličen razgled iz hotela na stari mestni del, kot na celotna Goriška brda.

Hotel Jožef ****

Hotel Jožef ****

Hotel Jožef is a boutique hotel located between the historical city centre of Idrija and the entrance to the Mine Museum, which was in 2012 added to the UNESCO World Heritage Site List. This modern and functionally equipped four-star hotel is the right choice for those looking for comfort and superior service.

Hotel Šoštar

Hotel Šoštar

Hotel Šoštar welcomes guests to come and enjoy the beauty of Nature and the warm hospitality offered by the Prezelj Family.

Hotel, Restaurant Triglav

Hotel, Restaurant Triglav

Terme Dobrna is an atractive destination in this green jewel. But from there there are many possibilities in every direction to actively seek new experience, treasures from the past, views to rest your eyes, and yourself. The Triglav hotel for a cozy rest and well-being. the Triglav Inn for your soul and stomac.

Inn Gostilna pri Škafarju

Inn Gostilna pri Škafarju

Inn Gostilna pri Škafarju with 20 years of tradition located in the centre of Idrija. You will find us in the street between Mestni trg (square) and the square St. Ahacij.

Jarški dom na Mali planini

Jarški dom na Mali planini

Jarški dom na Mali planini se nahaja na višini 1520 m, na južnem robu ene najlepših alpskih planot - Velike planine.  Čudovito gorsko okolje, svež zrak, prijazno osebje in odlična hrana ... to je Jarški dom! V domu je 50 sedišč, na zunanji terasi pa še 150.

Kavarna Rog

Kavarna Rog

Kavarna Rog is a designer café, located on the edge of the city center, where you can start your morning with a good coffee, french croissant and newspaper.

Kraljev hrib

Kraljev hrib

V osrčju Kamniških alp, nedaleč od nihalke za Veliko planino, se v smeri izvira Kamniške Bistrice nahaja gostišče "Kraljev hrib". Hišica na samem privablja številne obiskovalce, ki si želijo preživeti čudovite trenutke v neokrnjeni naravi zaradi sprehodov, rekreacije, zabave ali samo urico oddiha.

Lovska koča Vetrno

Lovska koča Vetrno


Lovska koča Vetrno leži na čudoviti lokaciji pod Kriško goro, z lepo okolico in še lepšim razgledom proti Kranju, v jasnem vremenu je v daljavi viden celo Snežnik. Vabimo vas, da se po sprehodu na svežem gozdnem zraku oglasite pri nas in doživite naše gostoljubje.

Lunch Café Marley & Me

Lunch Café Marley & Me

Menu choice: Slovenian dishes, Mediterranean dishes, seafood, game dishes, vegetarian dishes, grilled dishes, breakfasts, lunchtime menus, desserts, buffet salads, varietal Slovenian wines.

Majolka Restaurant Cafe Gallery

Majolka Restaurant Cafe Gallery

The restaurant offers you the chance to relax and enjoy a friendly and homely ambient with excellent cuisine. On warm sunny days, you can sit in the garden and enjoy the Sun's rays, or you can hide away in the shade of the atrium surrounded by greenery and flowers.

Mihovc Guesthouse

Mihovc Guesthouse

The Mihovc Guesthouse lies right in the heart of the delightful village of Stara Fuzina, just 500 meters away from the magical Lake Bohinj, sacred to the Slovenians.



Oštarija je restavracija v središču Portoroža med promenado in plažo, pod okriljem družinske tradicije Tomi. Slovijo po mediteranskih in istrskih jedeh, pripravljenih izključno po domačih receptih ter s sestavinami z geografskim poreklom.

Oštarija tavern

Oštarija tavern

The smell of home-made goodies at the end of ski arena will lure you to the Oštarija tavern. In the cold winter days, you can warm up by the fireplace and enjoy home-made treats served in earthenware. In the summer time, a piglet is often roasting on the barbecue.

Pod vrbo

Pod vrbo

Gostinsko podjetje vič, d.d.

Our in Pod vrbo (Under willow) is old Trnovo's inn with respectable tradition. Lies in the center of Ljubljana near famous Trnovo's Church. It has been recently renovated into a nice bar and restaurant with a touch of home by the fireplace or in summer on the big beautiful shady garden. Let us serve you taste of local cuisine and dishes brought from surrounding provinces. Of course, we will offer you an excellent Slovenian wines. Allow yourself to experience the richness of flavors.

Razkriški kot

Razkriški kot

Visit Razkriški kot to experience the rich natural and cultural heritage of Prlekija.

Restaurant & Guesthouse Kmečki Hram***

Restaurant & Guesthouse Kmečki Hram***

Kmečki Hram is a classic restaurant with a touch of local cuisine. We will serve you with carefully prepared food according to season, especially in winter with home prepared pork and sausage. Air condtioned restaurant with excellent food and friendly staff is already waiting for you to visit.

Restaurant Brančurnik

Restaurant Brančurnik

If you are organizing celebrations like birthday parties, weddings or other get-togethers our restaurant will assist you upon your request with decorations, arranging a play area for children, prepare a projector, sound system, etc.

Restaurant Center

Restaurant Center

Multipurpose building of the AMZS Safe Driving Center at Vransko is also the location of restaurant Center. It may come as a surprise to many visitors, but it offers so much more then just the average snacks...

Restaurant Jakob Franc

Restaurant Jakob Franc

Enjoy the traditional Slovenian cuisine, based on the indigenous "Krškopoljec" pig.

Restaurant Na Gradu

Restaurant Na Gradu

Once upon a time, only aristocrats were able to indulge their taste buds inside the castle walls. Now there is a restaurant for everyone, a restaurant offering traditional Slovenian dishes.

Restaurant Pavus

Restaurant Pavus

The Pavus Restaurant is situated  in a small castle that stands on o hill top overlooking the spa town of Laško, which is also known for the largest beer brewery in Slovenia.

Restaurant Tomi

Restaurant Tomi

Visit us in the pleasant surroundings directly above Portorož and enjoy the great view over the bay of Portorož from our terrace. Taste a wide variety of selected local and sea specialties in the Gostilna Tomi, member of Gostilna Slovenija group.

Restavracija Boem

Restavracija Boem

Na čudoviti razgledni točki slovenske obale, Belem križu, boste našli restavracijo z več kot štiridesetletno tradicijo. Prijeten in miren kotiček proč od obalnega vrveža je idealen za uživanje v kulinaričnih dobrotah Slovenske Istre, Krasa in Primorja.

Restavracija Tabor

Restavracija Tabor

V Podbrezjah, vasi pod protiturškim taborom, tik ob avtocesti Ljubljana – Karavanke (Avstrija) stoji znana ribja restavracija Tabor, v katero Vas zdaj vabi novo vodstvo. 



We are here for you every day, all day. We open our door on Mondays at 10 a.m. and close it at 9 p.m. This is our working time every weekday, except Friday when we close our door in late morning hours of the next day. We offer a variety of dishes at reasonable prices. On Saturdays and Sundays you can relax in our company, when we serve you a delicious lunch and other treats of your taste.

Šenk´s homestead in Jezersko

Šenk´s homestead in Jezersko

Šenk homestead is the pearl of the Alpine architecture and typical nucleated rural settlement of the area. Here we find eight buildings; all roofed with wooden roofing in a layout designed more than 500 years ago.

Special Sort of House

Special Sort of House

Our mission also involves the local community to make our farm function well – from the food, materials, arts and crafts to help in organisation and occasional extra staff – the family, relatives and other people from the village work in the House.

Stara Oljka

Stara Oljka

Nova gostilna slabih 5 minut iz centra Maribora s prečudovito teraso, velikim lastnim parkiriščem ter prečudovitim ambientom. Hrana za vse ki želite nekaj več ... seveda za normalno ceno.

Stari Tišler

Stari Tišler

Stari Tišler - For fans of genuine Slovenian cuisine

Sveti Primož nad Kamnikom

Sveti Primož nad Kamnikom

Sveti Primož je priljubljena izletniška točka Kamničanov in drugih. Pri cerkvi od katere je lep razgled je veliko klopic. Le nekaj metrov od cerkvice pa je gostinski lokal. Za cerkvijo Svetega Primoža stoji še večja kapelica in nad njo še stara cerkev Svetega Petra do katere imamo le minuto hoje.

The Hayrack at the Pond

The Hayrack at the Pond

Miklavž pri Taboru is where the true parl of House Lisjak is hidden: Kozolec pri ribniku. The forest road leads us to a rather unexpected scenery, which mostly resembles a fairy tale: a large green pond that is ..

The Mommy’s Inn

The Mommy’s Inn

Vransko may appear to be an untouched treasure to passing visitors, one that is not often spoken of as a hot tourist destinations, but that is absolutely unjustified. This piece of Slovenia is just perfectly distanced from city centers to offer valuable privacy in peace...

Tourist farm

Tourist farm "Na hribu"

Enjoy traditional Slovenian fare from our kitchen. We offer a variety of meat and vegetable dishes, pastas, soups, minestrone, jotas, desserts, smoked and dried meats, fruits, jams and liqueurs – all homemade using local products. You will also find a wide choice of excellent local wines in our private, family wine cellar.

Tourist Farm - Dujčeva Domačija

Tourist Farm - Dujčeva Domačija

TOURIST FARM - DUJČEVA DOMAČIJA - REST ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF KRAS: Space for camping on a farm near the caves, accommodation in the new rooms or apartment, catering services for guests on the farm and homemade specialties for further pre-booked groups, space for picnics and events, interesting tourist offer on the farm and it's surroundings.

Tourist farm Kabaj

Tourist farm Kabaj

We welcome our guests in a relaxing, homely environment, offering them a quiet and peaceful retreat and excellent food choice. Taking a well-deserved break, they can also experience a lot of adventures; the homestead Kabaj Morel is namely an ideal starting point for long walks and exploration of cultural heritage and natural beauties of Goriška Brda.

Tourist farm Matk

Tourist farm Matk

Tourist farm Matk is located in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps in a small, hidden valley Matkov kot. It is surrounded by a mountain range consisting of Matkov Grintovec, Matkova Kopa Mrzla Gora, Hude dane, Hudi prask, Matkovo okno, Savinjek to Veliki vrh, which separates Matkov kot from the valley Logarska dolina.

Tourist farm Oblak

Tourist farm Oblak

The tourist farm Oblak offers a lot of opportunities for the family, fraternal or hunting trips or just for spending holidays throughout the year. The ideal conditions for the physical preparation of elite and recreational athletes, the animation for the children, youth and adults as well as for organizing business seminars.

Tourist Farm Pri Flandru

Tourist Farm Pri Flandru

Here are forests, gorges, fields and pastures, orchards, here are homesteads and pleasant people. It lies high above the Baška gorge, on the slope of the cumulus Kojca, with a view of the mighty Porezen Mountain.

Turistična kmetija Pr Florjan

Turistična kmetija Pr Florjan

Planšarija Pr Florjan

Planšarija Pr Florjan se nahaja na Kriški planini(1525 m), sredi smučišča Krvavec. V zimskem času vam postrežejo s toplo kmečko domačo hrano, v poletnem pa s kislim mlekom, ajdovimi žganci, sirom, štruklji in maselnekom. Na razpolago imajo tudi kosila po naročilu ter velik prostor za zaključene družbe do 70 oseb.

Turistična kmetija Pr'Ambružarju

Turistična kmetija Pr'Ambružarju

Gorenjska, v tvoje lepote sta se zaljubila že marsikatera duša in srce. Tisti, ki jo ljubijo sonce, lep razgled, mir, čisti zrak in sprehode, gotovo poznajo Ambrož in seveda tudi Krvavec. Naša domačija leži na nadmorski višini 1100 m v vasi Ambrož pod Krvavcem.

Turistična kmetija Žnidarjevi

Turistična kmetija Žnidarjevi

Turistična kmetija Žnidarjevi se nahaja 10 km iz Cerknice v smeri Begunje - Rakitna. Nudijo vam prenočišča in hrano po naročilu. Vas in kmetija ležita na planoti, na 788m nadmorske višine, zato je zelo primerna za ljudi, ki imajo težave s pljuči (astmatike) in predstavlja odlično izhodiščno točko za ogled notranjskih znamenitosti.

Turistična kmetija Zorko in Gostilna Domen

Turistična kmetija Zorko in Gostilna Domen

Na pol poti med Ljubljano in Zagrebom, v srcu Dolenjske, 3 minute stran od izvozaiz avtoceste Ljubljana-Obrežje za Šmarješke Toplice in Otočec, se v Gostilni Domen naša družina Zorko z ekipo vsak dan znova trudi za vas. Čez teden kuhamo malice, da niste lačni med delom, za vas pripravljamo cenovno ugodna kosila, da se vam niti ne izplača kuhati doma!

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