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Tržiško area lies at the southern foothills of the Karavanke mountain and presents a kingdom of countless stories. Therefore, it is a true paradise for those romantic, secrets seeking souls. Old legends tell us that once upon a time dragons lived here and one of them is supposedly responsible for the formation of Tržič itself. Today however, when we find no more dragons here, you will still be overwhelmed by tremendous beauty of forest and mountain trails and an immense sense of peace. We warmly invite visitors to Dovžan gorge, in its 300 million years old walls thousands of fossils can be found, from a time when not even the dragons were yet around. Road leading over Ljubelj pass enabled travelers, to head out into the great wide world, ever since the times of ancient Rome, and today those same roads hoast the annual race of vintage cars.

But the true feast for eyes and soul are local views. Tržič is a luxury of routes, where even the most experienced and well traveled trekkers, mountaineers, climbers, mountain bikers, scouts, fans of adrenaline, hang gliders, parachutists, touring skiers, ski jumpers, surfers, fishermen, hunters, but also historians, geologists, poets and lovers of all things beautiful will be rendered speechless. Tržič is a place where all the stories are true, where everything is possible and everything is true. If you do not believe it, you need to see for yourself.

Lovska koča Vetrno

Lovska koča Vetrno


Lovska koča Vetrno leži na čudoviti lokaciji pod Kriško goro, z lepo okolico in še lepšim razgledom proti Kranju, v jasnem vremenu je v daljavi viden celo Snežnik. Vabimo vas, da se po sprehodu na svežem gozdnem zraku oglasite pri nas in doživite naše gostoljubje.

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