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Celje, the historic seat of the Counts of Celje, is now the third largest city in Slovenia. Lively and interesting, friendly and actively invites you with its historic buildings, stories and trails, and modern tourist, sporting and economic offer. It is not big - but big enough that it does have something for everyone - from the abundant restaurant offer, to a wide range of sports and recreational facilities, galleries, museums and last but not least - shopping. And it's not small - but just small enough to make you feel right at home and fully accepted - Celje thereby offers diversity that can easily be placed side by side with many larger European cities, but without the inconvenience of noise and bustle of the actual metropolitan life. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Celje is known as the "THE PEARL UPON SAVINJA".

Občina Štore

Občina Štore

Občina Štore se razprostira na 28,1 km2, na pretežno gričevnatem območju ob reki Voglajni, na vzhodnem robu Celjske kotline. Občina šteje približno 4.144 prebivalcev, ki živijo v 12 naseljih.

Bed and breakfast - farmhouse Weiss

Bed and breakfast - farmhouse Weiss

The Lower Savinja Valley - the Valley of Green Gold and WEISS tourist farm invite you to visit and enjoy waking up in the countryside, in the pleasant ambiance of our rooms, and indulge in the hearty breakfasts of homemade delicacies. What you can find here is peace and quiet, fresh air and numerous opportunities for recreational and other activities.

Dom na Svetini

Dom na Svetini

V domu vam, razen ob ponedeljkih, postrežemo z vedno svežo in okusno hrano. Po želji pa vas ob prijetnih večerih na zaključkih preseneti tudi kakšen priznan ansambel. Dom na Svetini vam ponuja popolno doživetje.

Haler Homestead Olimje

Haler Homestead Olimje

Homestead Haler offers home-made beer which they brew in their micro brewery. Together with good beer and delicious home-made wine, their renovated restaurant also offers a wide choice of meals. Homestead Haler also offers accommodation for an affordable price.

Kozjanski park

Kozjanski park

Kozjanski Park covers an area of 206 sq. km. It has the status of regional park and it is also the largest regional park in Slovenia. The boundaries of Kozjansko region are not precisely defined. The area south of the Voglajna river, west of the Sotla river, east of the Savinja river and north of the eastern part of the Posavje hills is known as Kozjansko region.

The Hayrack at the Pond

The Hayrack at the Pond

Miklavž pri Taboru is where the true parl of House Lisjak is hidden: Kozolec pri ribniku. The forest road leads us to a rather unexpected scenery, which mostly resembles a fairy tale: a large green pond that is ..

Zabaviščni park - Mini Zoo Land

Zabaviščni park - Mini Zoo Land

Želimo vam ponuditi drugačno vrsto zabave od tiste, ki jo trenutno poznate. Zabaviščni park Mini Zoo Land, kjer vas čakajo dogodivščine, ki jih še dolgo ne boste pozabili.

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