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Bohinj – the heart of the Alps. This is the concept which can help us to understand the hardly explainable blissfulness of the place.

Virgin lakes, translucent and shiny rivers, the mountain world in it’s many diversive forms, cultural and architectural attractions, formed in the strange harmony of this world. The language of travel guides is simply not enough to express all this fullness. On the other hand – this is the reason why Bohinj is the name of something larger than geographical concepts. Namely, it is a synonym for two valleys, Lower and Upper Bohinj Valleys.

Visitors  of Bohinj can take an cultural boat adventure on the Bohinj lake, wonder about diversity of plant species in Triglav national park, try to catch a chamois in a blink of an eye or to understand the horrors and heroism of Soška fronta, one of the main fronts in the First World War and thee cultural heritage of local people along with their history, developed in these fairy place.

Mrcina Ranch

Mrcina Ranch

Mrcina Ranch is located in the Triglav National Park in the village of Studor in Bohinj. At the ranch you can find 14 horses, that you can hire. For beginners and experienced riders.

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