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Tic Piran

Tic Piran

Turistično- informacijski center

Aquarium Piran

Aquarium Piran

The Aquarium is located in the old harbour of Piran. All the rooms have been obtained in so called Villa Piranesi for more than forty years. In 2009, the Aquarium was renovated and got a new look with all needed modern equipment.

Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota

Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota

Pomurski muzej Murska Sobota

The Magical World of Shells

The Magical World of Shells

Over 3000 different specimens of shellfish and snails from all the seas and continents of the world as well as from many caves, lakes and rivers.

Vinarium Lendava

Vinarium Lendava

Sightseeing in Prekmurje starts with Vinarium Lendava.

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