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Eating – the primary condition for life and, on the other hand, much more than that. It can be art, plane pampering, self-expression, care for health and personal developement. It goes over the land of all sorts of tastes and types, conditioned with culture and diets. We believe that we can help you to find and ideal restourant for yourself.

Mexican Restaurant Saloon

Mexican Restaurant Saloon

Surely there is no-one living in Carinthia region, who has not heard of the Mexican restaurant Saloon. The restaurant is known for its excellent culinary offer, truly huge portions and friendly staff, as well as true Wild West ambiance with a touch of Mexican temperament.

Restavracija, pizzerija, slaščičarna, kavarna in biljardnica Paprika

Restavracija, pizzerija, slaščičarna, kavarna in biljardnica Paprika

PAPRIKA vse v enem, tako restavracija, pizzerija, slaščičarna, kavarna in biljardnica, vabita vsak dan v tednu, 365 dni v letu, v vsakem vremenu...

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