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Odkrijte Krško! Prijetno mestece ob Savi je stičišče mnogoterih poslovnih poti ter kulturnih, kulinaričnih, poučnih in razgibanih doživetij. Občina Krško se razteza na skorajšnjih 300 km2 in šteje okrog 26.000 prebivalcev. Celotna Krška pokrajina je precej ugodna za kmetijske dejavnosti, kar se odraža tudi v okusni lokalni kulinariki. Vinsko razodetje Posavja s svojimi pestrimi in slikovitimi okusi ter avtohtonim “cvičkom” vsekakor pričara prekrasno dopolnilo h gurmanskim presežkom okoliških gostincev. Vsekakor se Krško z okolico ponaša s pestro kulinarično in vinsko ponudbo, kjer se najde za vsak okus nekaj. Poleg gurmanskih doživetij pa ne gre zanemariti turističnih zanimivosti, ki jih v veliki meri zaznamuje in prežema pestra kulturna preteklost. Od Bohoriča in Dalmatina vse do Valvasorja in mnogih drugih, ki so tako ali drugače obogatili in zaznamovali Krško, predvsem pa slovensko zgodovino in kulturo.
Prenočišče Daka

Prenočišče Daka

Business-garage facility DAKA Accommodation Truck service: Sale of diesel fuel and AdBlue for trucks Truck repair Sale of spare parts Truck wash Parking for trucks with WC and showers Warehouse for rent The Business-garage facility Daka is situated in the Krka valley which has always been a place of transitions from Southeast to Central Europe. People have travelled and transported goods by land and rivers. There was an important navigable path on Sava river. Its river-bed was regulated in the last century, so it is a bit hard to imagine that this part had been a bustling river port in the 4th century. Today, the main transportation route is the A2 motorway, which together with the railway forms the European Corridor X. With the planned expansion of a civil part of the military airport in Cerklje and the construction of high-tech logistics centre near the airport the strengthening of the economical and transport importance of Krško along with the whole Posavje region can be expected at the international level. For the economy of the region are also important energetics and tourism. We are pleased that our business-garage facility, which offers also accommodaton, has become a part of the development in the region. We hope our service meets your expectations.

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