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Gorenjska region is famous for its majestic mountains, beautiful lakes, rich forests and charming locals, who will welcome you with joyous song, wide smiles and open arms! If you are tempted by an active and adrenaline filled vacation or a peaceful and relaxing family retreat in the embrace of nature - Gorenjska presents first class offers in a variety of different tourist aspects!

Bled is without doubt one of the most attractive touristic destinations in Slovenia and in the wider Alpine world in general. It's attractions are well known: the clear and wide lake with the island and a historical church in the middle of it, the proximity of the mountains but not entrapment in their hermetically closed spirit, it's folklore and myths, crowned by national epic poem Baptism at The Savica, written by the cult romantic Slovenian poet France Prešeren (1800 – 1848). Touristic infrastucture which statisfies cultural, sport, accomodational and gourmet requirements of tourists. Rowing on the lake, on which trained the Olympic Games winners Iztok Čop and Luka Špik, cylcling on the dynamic relief and on the fresh air; elite hotels and many perfect apartment options; the historical spirit waving through town with a sense of the pre christian societies, well preserved remains of the feudalism era and it's castle with an incredible wiev and elite political meatings, which formed the history of the 20th century. We can say that Bled offers visitor an active and truly relaxing holidays. Unmistakable natural enviroment also offers a many different forms of active spending time. On the transition from Alpine geographical area to the more populated parts of Carniola historic region it joins both the intimacy of the mountain enviroment and vibrancy of it's wider area. Although it is an very popular touristic destination it didn't loose any of it's authenticity. Bled is simply - Bled.

Tic Bled

Tic Bled

Tourist information - event tickets sale - rent-a-car - rent-a-bike - rafting - laundry service - accommodation booking - souvenirs - free internet, wi-fi - fishing permits.

Alpski letalski center Lesce

Alpski letalski center Lesce

Letališče v Lescah leži na ravnini pod Karavankami, nedaleč od Bleda in v bližini sotočja Save Dolinke in Save Bohinjke na nadmorski višini 503m in predstavlja odlično izhodišče za športno in jadralno letenje ter panoramske polete nad prelepo okolico.

BeeShop, čebelarska trgovina

BeeShop, čebelarska trgovina

Pri nas lahko vsakdo najde kaj zase. Od majhnih prikupnih daril, prijetnih in poučnih knjigic s čebelicami v glavni vlogi, domačih dobrot in gurmanskih specialitet na osnovi medu, profesionalne čebelarske opreme in še veliko več.

Bled Castle

Bled Castle

<p>According to written sources, the oldest castle in Slovenia first mentioned in a 1011 donation deed as castellum Veldes. Perched atop a steep cliff rising 130 metres above the glacial Lake Bled is a symbol of Bled and Slovenia – Bled Castle. </p>

Fun Turist

Fun Turist

Rafting is a story that combine pure adventure and glorious nature. They say it`s a journey full of new discoveries. Discoveries that you should share it with your family or friends. During the entire 2h trip our experienced guides will entertain you with variety of exciting games to make this adventure a perfect story to tell

Outdoor Slovenia

Outdoor Slovenia

Outdoor Slovenija offers sports activities to suit all tastes. From kayaking, rafting, summer courses, and even winter ski school.

Ribnik Žeje

Ribnik Žeje

Brunarica ribnika Žeje se nahaja v idilični naravi, le nekaj metrov stran od glavne ceste Naklo-Podbrezje. Ribje specialitete, dobro kavo in prijetno ohlajeno pijačo vam z veseljem postrežemo čez celo leto.



Bodite originalni pri svojem darilu! Podarite slovenske tradicionalne prehrambene izdelke v lesenih zabojčkih prijateljem in poslovnim partnerjem, ki bodo presenečeni nad vašo izvirnostjo in brez dvoma boste ostali v dobrem spominu.

Veterinarska klinika in trgovina za male živali Lesce

Veterinarska klinika in trgovina za male živali Lesce

Trudimo se za strokoven in prijazen odnos z živalmi ter njihovimi skrbniki, saj se zavedamo, da vez med človekom in živaljo prinaša veliko lepega, včasih pa tudi skrbi in bolečino. S sodobno opremo in s stalnim izobraževanjem zaposlenih skrbimo, da sledimo smernicam sodobne stroke in tako nudimo kvalitetno oskrbo našim živalskim prijateljem.

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