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Welcome to a small city that will exceed all your expectations!

Many European capitals may have a diverse historic legacy and various tourist attractions, but Ljubljana truly is something different and special! One can fell the inviting warmth and genuine kindness of the city and its residents. Beautifully renovated old city center is, much to the pleasure of tourists, now a pedestrian zone only and is inviting you to sit by the colorful Ljubljanica riverside and enjoy soaking up the city beat. Well kept city parks and other recreational areas offer plenty opportunities for a nature surrounded, relaxed or sporty outing.

Ljubljana is truly unique city, where one can see on every step, how a modern day metropolis is skillfully embracing its medieval roots and rich historic heritage. Let yourself become impressed by the city, that has already enchanted so many people, who came here once and fell in love with it forever!

Abi Falafel

Abi Falafel

V osrčju Ljubljane je prijetna, v orientalskem slogu opremljena okrepčevalnica Falafel. Prvi lokal s tipično arabsko hrano v Slovenji vodi družina Shaar. Znani so po veliki ljubezni do kuhanja, saj so njihove jedi osvojile marsikatero gurmansko srce.

Azijska restavracija Han

Azijska restavracija Han

V centru Ljubljane, v edinstvenem ambientu z odlično hrano in pestro izbiro vin, se nahaja Azijska restavracija Han.

Balkan Express

Balkan Express

Restavracija z kulinarično ponudbo republik bivše države Jugoslavije. Jedi so pripravljene po izvirnih receptih in najbolj kakovostnega mesa. Začutite pridih balkanske kulinarike v največjem nakupovalnem centru Slovenije - Citypark.

Govinda's vegetarian restaurant

Govinda's vegetarian restaurant

Vegetarian self-service restaurant.

Imperio Mexicano

Imperio Mexicano

Mehika je dežela številnih obrazov, dežela nasprotij in najrazličnejših kultur. Edinstvena igra narave, ki nikogar ne pusti ravnodušnega. Ob doživetju Mehike človeku zagotovo zastane dih.

Indian restaurat Namasté

Indian restaurat Namasté

At Namaste we offer the culinary specialties of the Great Moghul cuisine of Northern India, mainly from the states of Rajhastan and Punjab.

JB Restaurant

JB Restaurant

JB Restaurant in downtown Ljubljana, Slovenia, is S.Pellegrino's Top 100 World's Best Restaurant. It’s the closest interpretation of a sophisticated pallet you'll ever experience in this region. Welcome to the world of culinary art of world renowned chef Janez Bratovz.

Kitajska restavracija Beli labod 2

Kitajska restavracija Beli labod 2

Vabljeni v našo restavracijo kjer vam zagotavljamo prijeten ambient. Poskrbeli bomo za vas in vašo družino tudi v ločenem separeju. Hrana pripravljena v restavraciji, kjer vlada dobro počutje in kjer vas postrežejo prijazni ljudje v prijetnem okolju, je za človeka nadvse pomembna.

Le Petit Café & Restaurant

Le Petit Café & Restaurant

Elegant café, a romantic garden, freshly baked croissants and chansons will conjure up a real french atmosphere.

Restaurant Na Gradu

Restaurant Na Gradu

Once upon a time, only aristocrats were able to indulge their taste buds inside the castle walls. Now there is a restaurant for everyone, a restaurant offering traditional Slovenian dishes.

Restavracija Merak

Restavracija Merak

Sarajevska restavracija

Okusite Sarajevo v Ljubljani!

Rodizio do Brasil

Rodizio do Brasil

Prva brazilska restavracija

Prvo brazilska restavracija v Sloveniji, kjer brazilski chef na pristnem churrasco žaru na oglje pripravlja le najboljše brazilske specialitete.

What's POI map?

POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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