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Koper Capodistra

Koper Capodistra

Turistična organizacija Koper



Tourist Service Portoroz

Spend your vacation or a short break at the beautiful seaside town of Portoroz and its surroundings: Piran, Lucija, Seca, Strunjan, Izola, Koper or Ankaran.

Izlet v Benetke s katamaranom

Izlet v Benetke s katamaranom

Najlepše mesto na svetu si zasluži, da se ga predstavi v vsem njegovem sijaju. Benetke niso brez razloga proglašene za biser na severni obali Jadranskega morja.

Med plovbo do Benetk vam bodo izkušeni vodniki dali vpogled v zgodovino čudovitega mesta, razvoj ter propad republike "Serenissime" in razložili potek programa, ki nas čaka po prihodu. Ob vstopu v beneško laguno se vam bo odprl pogled na popolnoma drugačen svet kot ste ga navajeni. Kanali nadomeščajo ulice, plovila pa avtomobile, tovornjake, avtobuse in vsa ostala cestna prevozna sredstva. Vsaka stavba igra pomembno vlogo v mozaiku tega bogatega mesta.



Special Sort of House

Special Sort of House

Our mission also involves the local community to make our farm function well – from the food, materials, arts and crafts to help in organisation and occasional extra staff – the family, relatives and other people from the village work in the House.

Trip to Venice with catamaran

Trip to Venice with catamaran

The most beautiful city on the planet deserves to be presented in all it's glory. Venice is not without reason proclaimed as a pearl on the northern coast of the Adriatic Sea.

During the sailing to Venice our experienced guides will give an insight into the history of the beautiful city, the development and collapse of the Republic "Serenissima" and explain the course of the program, which is waiting for us upon arrival.

What's POI map?

POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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