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Isola is the most fun Slovenian coastal town. With it’s developed seaside and night life, crowned by the famous disco Ambasada Gavioli, it is a special attraction for young people. Annual festival of art movie - Kino Otok - forms a rich cultural environment, closely connected with a everyday life on the start of touristic season. Along with that, it is the biggest concert stage on Slovenian coast, a traditional creative center of Slovenian popular music. Izola is a lustful place for careless holidays.

TIC Izola

TIC Izola

Izola Staro mediteransko mestece Izola se naslanja na jugozahodno obalo Tržaškega zaliva, kjer se pristna tradicija ribištva in vinarstva, mistični sledovi preteklosti ter prijaznost domačinov stapljajo v nepozaben mozaik doživetij.

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POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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