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Celje, the historic seat of the Counts of Celje, is now the third largest city in Slovenia. Lively and interesting, friendly and actively invites you with its historic buildings, stories and trails, and modern tourist, sporting and economic offer. It is not big - but big enough that it does have something for everyone - from the abundant restaurant offer, to a wide range of sports and recreational facilities, galleries, museums and last but not least - shopping. And it's not small - but just small enough to make you feel right at home and fully accepted - Celje thereby offers diversity that can easily be placed side by side with many larger European cities, but without the inconvenience of noise and bustle of the actual metropolitan life. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Celje is known as the "THE PEARL UPON SAVINJA".

TIC Celje

TIC Celje

V eni najbolj impozantnih zgradb Knežjega mesta, v stavbi Celjskega doma (Krekov trg 3), se nahaja Turistično informacijski center Celje. Obiskovalcem nudi informacije o prireditvah in turistični ponudbi Celja in okolice.

TIC Laško

TIC Laško

Visitors can find information about accommodation, individual tours, local guided tours and daytrips in the Laško area. In addition, you can buy tickets for events in Slovenia and abroad.

TIC Stari Grad Celje

TIC Stari Grad Celje

V Turistično informacijskem centru Stari grad Celje lahko obiskovalci izberejo promocijske zloženke, informativno gradivo o gradu, Celju in okolici ter informacije o znamenitostih in prireditvah na Celjskem.

Občina Štore

Občina Štore

Občina Štore se razprostira na 28,1 km2, na pretežno gričevnatem območju ob reki Voglajni, na vzhodnem robu Celjske kotline. Občina šteje približno 4.144 prebivalcev, ki živijo v 12 naseljih.

Zavod za kulturo, turizem in šport Polzela

Zavod za kulturo, turizem in šport Polzela

Namen in poslanstvo zavoda je zagotavljanje kontinuirane prisotnosti kvalitetnih vsebin s področja kulture, turizma in športa ter učinkovitejša organizacija, razvoj in spodbujanje dejavnosti na omenjenih področjih s ciljem dviga kvalitete življenja v občini in boljše prepoznavnosti Občine Polzela.

What's POI map?

POI map is a tourist information map, that can be found in many tourist points troughout Slovenia.

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