Oštarija tavern

Borovška cesta 102b, 4280 Kranjska Gora


+386 (0)4 588 44 68, +386 (0)41 432 990

The smell of home-made goodies at the end of ski arena will lure you to the Oštarija tavern. In the cold winter days, you can warm up by the fireplace and enjoy home-made treats served in earthenware. In the summer time, a piglet is often roasting on the barbecue.

In front of the Oštarija tavern, right at the bottom of the ski slopes, is the terrace with 100 seats and a wonderful view of the Vitranc slope. Our youngest guests can enjoy the outdoor playground throughout the year and various activities during peak season.

GostilnaOstarija slika


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